403.736—Condition of participation: Discharge planning.

The RNHCI must have in effect a discharge planning process that applies to all patients. The process must assure that appropriate post-institution services are obtained for each patient, as necessary.
(a) Standard: Discharge planning evaluation. (1) The RNHCI must assess the need for a discharge plan for any patient identified as likely to suffer adverse consequences if there is no planning and for any other patient upon his or her request or at the request of his or her legal representative. This discharge planning evaluation must be initiated at admission and must include the following:
(i) An assessment of the possibility of a patient needing post-RNHCI services and of the availability of those services.
(ii) An assessment of the probability of a patient's capacity for self-care or of the possibility of the patient being cared for in the environment from which he or she entered the RNHCI.
(2) The staff must complete the assessment on a timely basis so that arrangements for post-RNHCI care are made before discharge and so that unnecessary delays in discharge are avoided.
(3) The discharge planning evaluation must be included in the patient's care record for use in establishing an appropriate discharge plan. Staff must discuss the results of the discharge planning evaluation with the patient or a legal representative acting on his or her behalf.
(b) Standard: Discharge plan. (1) If the discharge planning evaluation indicates a need for a discharge plan, qualified and experienced personnel must develop or supervise the development of the plan.
(2) In the absence of a finding by the RNHCI that the beneficiary needs a discharge plan, the beneficiary or his or her legal representative may request a discharge plan. In this case, the RNHCI must develop a discharge plan for the beneficiary.
(3) The RNHCI must arrange for the initial implementation of the beneficiary's discharge plan.
(4) If there are factors that may affect continuing care needs or the appropriateness of the discharge plan, the RNHCI must reevaluate the beneficiary's discharge plan.
(5) The RNHCI must inform the beneficiary or legal representative about the beneficiary's post-RNHCI care requirements.
(6) The discharge plan must inform the beneficiary or his or her legal representative about the freedom to choose among providers of care when a variety of providers is available that are willing to respect the discharge preferences of the beneficiary or legal representative.
(c) Standard: Transfer or referral. The RNHCI must transfer or refer patients in a timely manner to another facility (including a medical facility if requested by the beneficiary, or his or her legal representative) in accordance with § 403.730(b)(2).
(d) Standard: Reassessment. The RNHCI must reassess its discharge planning process on an ongoing basis. The reassessment must include a review of discharge plans to ensure that they are responsive to discharge needs.
[64 FR 67047, Nov. 30, 1999, as amended at 68 FR 66720, Nov. 28, 2003]