37.60—Submitting required chest roentgenograms and miner identification documents.

(a) Each chest roentgenogram required to be made under this subpart, together with the completed roentgenographic interpretation form and the completed miner identification document, shall be sumitted together for each miner to ALOSH within 14 calendar days after the roentgenographic examination is given and become the property of ALOSH.
(b) If ALOSH deems any part submitted under paragraph (a) of this section inadequate, it will notify the operator of the deficiency. The operator shall promptly make appropriate arrangements for the necessary reexamination.
(c) Failure to comply with paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall be cause to revoke approval of a plan or any other approval as may be appropriate. An approval which has been revoked may be reinstated at the discretion of ALOSH after it receives satisfactory assurances and evidence that all deficiencies have been corrected and that effective controls have been instituted to prevent a recurrence.
(d) Chest roentgenograms and other required documents shall be submitted only for miners. Results of preemployment physical examinations of persons who are not hired shall not be submitted.
(e) If a miner refuses to participate in all phases of the examination prescribed in this subpart, no report need be made. If a miner refuses to participate in any phase of the examination prescribed in this subpart, all the forms shall be submitted with his or her name and social security account number on each. If any of the forms cannot be completed because of the miner's refusal, it shall be marked “Miner Refuses,” and shall be submitted. No submission shall be made, however, without a completed miner identification document containing the miner's name, address, social security number and place of employment.