37.203—Autopsy specifications.

(a) Every autopsy for which a claim for payment is submitted pursuant to this part:
(1) Shall be performed consistent with standard autopsy procedures such as those, for example, set forth in the “Autopsy Manual” prepared by the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, July 1, 1960. (Technical Manual No. 8-300. NAVMED P-5065, Air Force Manual No. 160-19.) Copies of this document may be borrowed from ALFORD.
(2) Shall include:
(i) Gross and microscopic examination of the lungs, pulmonary pleura, and tracheobronchial lymph nodes;
(ii) Weights of the heart and each lung (these and all other measurements required under this subparagraph shall be in the metric system);
(iii) Circumference of each cardiac valve when opened;
(iv) Thickness of right and left ventricles; these measurements shall be made perpendicular to the ventricular surface and shall not include trabeculations or pericardial fat. The right ventricle shall be measured at a point midway between the tricuspid valve and the apex, and the left ventricle shall be measured directly above the insertion of the anterior papillary muscle;
(v) Size, number, consistency, location, description and other relevant details of all lesions of the lungs;
(vi) Level of the diaphragm;
(vii) From each type of suspected pneumoconiotic lesion, representative microscopic slides stained with hematoxylin eosin or other appropriate stain, and one formalin fixed, paraffin-impregnated block of tissue; a minimum of three stained slides and three blocks of tissue shall be submitted. When no such lesion is recognized, similar material shall be submitted from three separate areas of the lungs selected at random; a minimum of three stained slides and three formalin fixed, paraffin-impregnated blocks of tissue shall be submitted.
(b) Needle biopsy techniques shall not be used.