1004.70—QIO action on final finding of a violation.
If the finding is not resolved to the QIO's satisfaction as specified in § 1004.60(a), the QIO must—
Send the affected practitioner or other person a concurrent final notice, with a copy of all the material that is being forwarded to the OIG, advising that—
The practitioner or other person has 30 days from receipt of this final notice to submit any additional written material or documentary evidence to the OIG at its headquarters location. The date of receipt is presumed to be 5 days after the date on the notice, unless there is a reasonable showing to the contrary; and
Due to the 120-day statutory requirement specified in § 1004.100(e), the period for submitting additional information will not be extended and any material received by the OIG after the 30-day period will not be considered; and
Provide notice to the State medical board or to other appropriate licensing boards for other practitioner types when it submits a report and recommendations to the OIG with respect to a physician or other person whom the board is responsible for licensing.