61-300.11—On what form must the data required by this part be submitted?

(a) Data items required in paragraph (a) of the contract clause set forth in § 61-300.10 must be reported for each hiring location on the VETS-100A Report. This form is provided annually to those contractors who are included in the VETS-100 database. VETS failure to provide a contractor with a VETS-100A Report does not excuse the contractor from the requirement to submit a VETS-100A Report. The form, and instructions for preparing it, are set forth in Appendix A to 41 CFR part 61-300 —Federal Contractor Veterans' Employment Report VETS-100A and Instructions.
(b) Contractors and subcontractors that submit computer-generated output for more than 10 hiring locations to satisfy their VETS-100A reporting obligations must submit the output in the form of an electronic file. This file must comply with current Department of Labor specifications for the layout of these records, along with any other specifications established by the Department for the applicable reporting year. Contractors and subcontractors that submit VETS-100A Reports for 10 locations or less are exempt from this requirement, but are strongly encouraged to submit an electronic file. In these cases, state consolidated reports count as one location each.
(c) VETS-100A Reports must be submitted no later than September 30 of each year following a calendar year in which a contractor or subcontractor held a covered contract or subcontract.
(d) VETS or its designee will use all available information to distribute the required forms to contractors identified as subject to the requirements of this part.
(e) It is the responsibility of each contractor or subcontractor to obtain necessary supplies of the VETS-100A Report before the annual September 30 filing deadline. Contractors and subcontractors who do not receive forms should request them in time to meet the deadline. VETS-100A Report forms may be obtained by mailing a request to: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210, Attn: VETS-100A Report Form Request; or on the Internet at the Internet address http://vets.dol.gov/vets100/vets100login.htm.