60-20.6—Affirmative action.

(a) The employer shall take affirmative action to recruit women to apply for those jobs where they have been previously excluded.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: This can be done by various methods. Examples include: (1) Including in itineraries of recruiting trips women's colleges where graduates with skills desired by the employer can be found, and female students of coeducational institutions and (2) designing advertisements to indicate that women will be considered equally with men for jobs.
(b) Women have not been typically found in significant numbers in management. In many companies management trainee programs are one of the ladders to management positions. Traditionally, few, if any, women have been admitted into these programs. An important element of affirmative action shall be a commitment to include women candidates in such programs.
(c) Distinctions based on sex may not be made in other training programs. Both sexes should have equal access to all training programs and affirmative action programs should require a demonstration by the employer that such access has been provided.