60-1.33—Conciliation agreements.

If a compliance review, complaint investigation or other review by OFCCP or its representative indicates a material violation of the equal opportunity clause, and (1) if the contractor, subcontractor or bidder is willing to correct the violations and/or deficiencies, and (2) if OFCCP or its representative determines that settlement (rather than referral for consideration of formal enforcement) is appropriate, a written agreement shall be required. The agreement shall provide for such remedial action as may be necessary to correct the violations and/or deficiencies noted, including, where appropriate (but not necessarily limited to), remedies such as back pay and retroactive seniority.

Code of Federal Regulations

(E.O. 11246 (30 FR 12319) as amended by E.O. 11375 and 12086)

Code of Federal Regulations

[44 FR 77002, Dec. 28, 1979; 70 FR 36265, June 22, 2005]