304-6.6—How do we determine the value of payments in kind that are to be reported on Standard Form (SF) 326?

The following should be used in the determination of the value of payments in kind for reporting on SF 326:
(a) For conference, training, or similar fees waived or paid by a non-Federal source, you must report the amount charged other participants.
(b) For transportation or lodging, you must report the cost that the non-Federal source paid or usually would have been charged for such event.
(c) For meals or other benefits that are not provided as part of the transportation, lodging, or a conference, training or similar fee, you must report the cost to the non-Federal source or provide a reasonable approximation of the market value of the benefit.
(d) For chartered, corporate or other private aircraft—
(1) When common carrier is available, you must report the first-class rate that would have been charged by a commercial air carrier at the time the event took place.
(2) When a common carrier is not available, you must report the cost of chartering a similar aircraft using a commercially available service.
(e) Lodging where no commercial rate is available: You must report the maximum lodging rate established by GSA for CONUS, Department of Defense for non-foreign areas and the Secretary of State for foreign areas. These rates are available on the Internet at the GSA Web site http://www.gsa.gov/perdiem, with links to the non-foreign and foreign area rates.