302-9.104—What may I do if there is no port or terminal at the point of origin and/or destination?

If there is no port or terminal at the point of origin and/or destination, your agency will pay the entire cost of transporting the POV from your point of origin to your destination. If you prefer, however, you may choose to drive your POV from your point of origin at time of assignment to the nearest embarkation port or terminal, and/or from the debarkation port or terminal nearest your destination to your post of duty at any time. If you choose to drive, you will be reimbursed your one-way mileage cost, at the rate specified in part 301-4 of this title, for driving the POV from your authorized origin to deliver it to the port of embarkation, or from the port of debarkation to the authorized destination. For the segment of travel from the port of embarkation back to your authorized origin after delivering the POV to the port or from your authorized destination to the port of debarkation to pick up the POV, you will be reimbursed your one-way transportation cost. The total cost of round-trip travel, to deliver the POV to the port at the origin or to pick up the POV at the port at your destination, may not exceed the cost of transporting the POV to or from the port involved. You may not be reimbursed a per diem allowance for round-trip travel to and from the port involved.