302-8.101—What are the criteria for determining whether an official station is an isolated official station for purposes of this part?

(a) As determined by your agency, an official station at an isolated location is a place of permanent duty assignment in CONUS at which you have no alternative except to live where you are unable to use your HHG because:
(1) The type of quarters you are required to occupy at the isolated official station will not accommodate your HHG; or
(2) Residence quarters which would accommodate your HHG are not available within reasonable daily commuting distance of the official station.
(b) The designation of an official station as isolated in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section shall not preclude a determination in individual instances that adequate housing is available for some employees stationed there based on housing which may be available within daily commuting distance and the size and other characteristics of each employee's immediate family. In such instances the station shall not be considered isolated with regard to you if your agency determines adequate family housing is available for you.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note to § 302-8.101 : Heads of agencies concerned are responsible for designating the isolated official station at which conditions exist for allowing extended storage of HHG at Government expense for some or all employees.