301-74.6—What can we do if we cannot find an appropriate conference facility at the chosen locality per diem rate?

While it is always desirable to obtain lodging facilities within the established lodging portion of the per diem rate for the chosen locality, it may not always be possible. In negotiating lodging rates with the properties in the chosen location, you may exceed the established lodging portion of the per diem rate by up to 25 percent under §§ 301-74.8 and 301-74.9, if necessary. This will provide flexibility in selecting an appropriate property at the most advantageous location. It will also permit agencies to reimburse their employees' subsistence expenses by using the conference lodging allowance method as prescribed in § 301-74.8 for a Government sponsored conference and in § 301-74.9 for non-Government sponsored conferences, rather than the actual expense method prescribed in subpart D of part 301-11 of this chapter.