301-73.301—How do we obtain travel payment system services?

A system to facilitate the payment of official travel and transportation expenses which includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Issuance and maintenance of Government contractor-issued individually billed charge cards;
(b) Establishment of centrally billed accounts for the purchase of travel and transportation services;
(c) Issuance of travelers checks; and
(d) Provision of automated-teller-machine (ATM) services worldwide.

Code of Federal Regulations

[FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15978, Apr. 1, 1998; 63 FR 35538, June 30, 1998]
You may participate in GSA's or another Federal agency's travel payment system services program or you may contract directly with a travel payment system service if your agency has contracting authority and you are not a mandatory user of GSA's charge card program.

Code of Federal Regulations

Note to § 301-73.301 : Under the new GSA charge card program effective November 30, 1998, it will be your responsibility to select the vendor that will be most beneficial to your agency's travel and transportation needs.