301-70.200—What governing policies must we establish for authorization and payment of per diem expenses?

You must establish policies and procedures governing:
(a) Who will authorize a rest period;
(b) Circumstances allowing a rest period during prolonged travel (see § 301-11.20 for minimum standards);
(c) If, and in what instances, you will allow an employee to return to his/her official station on non-workdays;
(d) Who will determine if an employee will be allowed to return to his/her official station on a case by case basis.
(e) Who will determine in what instances you will pay a reduced per diem rate;
(f) Who will determine, and in what instances, actual expenses are appropriate in each individual case; and
(g) Who will determine, and in what instances, an employee will be able to claim the full M&IE allowance even though meals are furnished to the employee by the Government, in accordance with §§ 301-11.18(b) and 301-11.18(c).

Code of Federal Regulations

[FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15971, Apr. 1, 1998, as amended by FTR Amdt. 2009-03, 74 FR 16329, Apr. 10, 2009; FTR Amdt. 2010-07, 75 FR 72967, Nov. 29, 2010]