301-53.3—How may I use promotional materials and frequent traveler benefits?

Promotional materials and frequent traveler benefits may be used as follows:
(a) You may use frequent traveler benefits earned on official travel to obtain travel services for a subsequent official travel assignment(s); however, you may also retain such benefits for your personal use, including upgrading to a higher class of service while on official travel.
(b) If you are offered such benefits as a result of your role as a conference planner or as a planner for other group travel, you may not retain such benefits for your personal use (see § 301-53.2 of this chapter ). Rather, you may only accept such benefits on behalf of the Federal Government. Such accepted benefits may only be used for official Government business.

Code of Federal Regulations

[FTR Amdt. 2003-04, 68 FR 27937, May 22, 2003]