301-11.301—Who in my agency can authorize/approve my request for actual expense?

You may request reimbursement on an actual expense basis, not to exceed 300 percent of the maximum per diem allowance.
Approval of actual expenses is usually in advance of travel and at the discretion of your agency. (See § 301-11.302.)

Code of Federal Regulations

[FTR Amdt. 75, 63 FR 66675, Dec. 2, 1998]
(a) Lodging and/or meals are procured at a prearranged place such as a hotel where a meeting, conference or training session is held;
(b) Costs have escalated because of special events (e.g., missile launching periods, sporting events, World's Fair, conventions, natural disasters); lodging and meal expenses within prescribed allowances cannot be obtained nearby; and costs to commute to/from the nearby location consume most or all of the savings achieved from occupying less expensive lodging;
(c) Because of mission requirements; or
(d) Any other reason approved within your agency.
Any official designated by the head of your agency.
Request for authorization for reimbursement under actual expense should be made in advance of travel. However, subject to your agency's policy, after the fact approvals may be granted when supported by an explanation acceptable to your agency.
The maximum amount that you may be reimbursed under actual expense is limited to 300 percent (rounded to the next higher dollar) of the applicable maximum per diem rate. However, subject to your agency's policy, a lesser amount may be authorized.
When authorized actual expense and your expenses are less than the locality per diem rate or the authorized amount, reimbursement is limited to the expenses incurred.
Your reimbursement is limited to the 300 percent ceiling. There is no authority to exceed this ceiling.
You must itemize all expenses, including meals, (each meal must be itemized separately) for which you will be reimbursed under actual expense. However, expenses that do not accrue daily (e.g., laundry, dry cleaning, etc.) may be averaged over the number of days your agency authorizes/approves actual expenses. Receipts are required for lodging, regardless of amount and any individual meal when the cost exceeds $75. Your agency may require receipts for other allowable per diem expenses, but it must inform you of this requirement in advance of travel. When your agency limits M&IE reimbursement to either the prescribed maximum M&IE rate for the locality concerned or a reduced M&IE rate, it may or may not require M&IE itemization at its discretion.

Code of Federal Regulations

[FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15961, Apr. 1, 1998; 63 FR 35537, June 30, 1998]