109-1.5105—Identification marking of personal property.

(a) Personal property shall be marked “U.S. Government property” (if marking space is limited, property may be marked “U.S. DOE”) subject to the criteria below. The markings shall be securely affixed to the property, legible, and conspicuous. Examples of appropriate marking media are bar code labels, decals, and stamping.
(1) Equipment and sensitive items shall be marked “U.S. Government property” and numbered for control purposes.
(2) Administratively controlled property and other personal property susceptible to unauthorized personal use should be marked “U.S. Government property” and numbered for control purposes.
(b) Personal property which by its nature cannot be marked, such as stores items, metal stock, etc., is exempted from this requirement.
(c) To the extent practicable and economical, markings shall be removed prior to disposal outside of DOE, or, if removal is impractical, additional permanent markings must be added to indicate such disposal.