109-1.100-51—Definitions and acronyms.

(a) Definitions. As used in this chapter, the terms personal property and property are synonymous. In addition, the following definitions apply:
Administratively controlled items means personal property controlled at the discretion of individual DOE offices, but for which there is no DOE requirement to maintain formal records.
Automatic data processing equipment means, as used in this part and to the extent that such equipment is used to process export controlled information or unclassified controlled nuclear information, any equipment or interconnected system or subsystems of equipment that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or information.
Designated contractors means those on-site DOE contractors to which the DOE-PMR is made applicable when included as a contractual requirement. The contractors to which these regulations may be made applicable include management and operating (M&O) contractors, environmental restoration and management contractors, and other major prime contractors located at DOE sites.
Direct operations means operations conducted by DOE personnel.
Disposal means the process of reutilizing, transferring, donating, selling, abandoning, destroying, or other disposition of Government-owned personal property.
Dual-Use List means nuclear-related material, equipment, and related technology as described in the International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular (INFCIRC) 254 Part 2.
Equipment means any item of personal property having a unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and having the potential for maintaining its integrity (i.e., not expendable due to use) as an item.
Especially designed or prepared property means equipment and material designed or prepared especially for use in the nuclear fuel cycle and described in the Nuclear Suppliers Group Trigger List (INFCIRC 254 Part 1 ).
Export controlled information means unclassified U.S. Government information under DOE cognizance that, if proposed for export by the private sector, would require a U.S. Department of Commerce or U.S. Department of State validated license, or a DOE authorization for export, and which, if given uncontrolled release, could reasonably be expected to adversely affect U.S. national security or nuclear nonproliferation objectives.
Export controlled property means property the export of which is subject to licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or authorized by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Hazardous property means any personal property, including scrap or waste but excluding property involving a radiological hazard, that is ignitable, corrosive, reactive, or toxic because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, or that is deemed a hazardous material, chemical substance or mixture, or hazardous waste under the Hazardous Material Transportation Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, or the Toxic Substances Control Act. Such property may be in solid, liquid, semi-liquid, or contained gas form and may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or illness, or pose present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly used, treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or mismanaged.
Heads of field organizations means the heads of any Departmental office located outside the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the Office of Headquarters Procurement Operations, shall be considered a field organization for purposes of these regulations.
High risk personal property means property that, because of its potential impact on public health and safety, the environment, national security interests, or proliferation concerns, must be controlled, and disposed of in other than the routine manner. The categories of high risk property are automatic data processing equipment, especially designed or prepared property, export controlled information, export controlled property, hazardous property, nuclear weapon components or weapon-like components, proliferation sensitive property, radioactive property, special nuclear material, and unclassified controlled nuclear information.
Munitions list means articles, services, and related technical data designated as defense articles and defense services by the Arms Export Control Act of 1968, as amended.
Nuclear weapon component or weapon-like component means parts of whole war reserve nuclear weapon systems, joint test assemblies, trainers, or test devices, including associated testing, maintenance, and handling equipment; or items that simulate such parts.
Personal property means property of any kind, except for real estate and interests therein (such as easements and rights-of-way), and permanent fixtures which are Government-owned, chartered, rented, or leased from commercial sources by and in the custody of DOE or its designated contractors; source, byproduct, special nuclear materials, and atomic weapons as defined in section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014 ), as amended; and petroleum in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the Naval Petroleum Reserves.
Personal property management means the development, implementation, and administration of policies, standards, programs, practices and procedures for effective and economical acquisition, receipt, storage, issue, use, control, physical protection, care and maintenance, determination of requirements, maintenance of related operating records, and disposal of personal property (exclusive of the property accounting records).
Proliferation-sensitive property means nuclear-related or dual-use equipment, material, or technology as described in the Nuclear Suppliers Group Trigger List and Dual-Use List, or equipment, material or technology used in the research, design, development, testing, or production of nuclear or other weapons.
Radioactive property means any item or material that is contaminated with radioactivity and which emits ionizing radiation in excess of background radiation as measured by appropriate instrumentation.
Sensitive items means those items of personal property which are considered to be susceptible to being appropriated for personal use or which can be readily converted to cash, for example: Firearms, portable photographic equipment, binoculars, portable tape recorders, portable calculators, portable power tools, portable computers, and portable communications equipment.
Special nuclear material means plutonium, uranium 233, uranium enriched in the isotope 233 or 235, any other materials which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determines to be special nuclear material, or any material artificially enriched by any of the foregoing, but does not include source material.
Trigger List means nuclear material, equipment, and related technology as described in the INFCIRC 254, Part 1.
Unclassified controlled nuclear information means U.S. Government information pertaining to atomic energy defense activities as defined in section 148 of the Atomic Energy Act. Such information can relate to aspects of nuclear weapons design, development, testing, physical security, production, or utilization facilities.
(b) Acronyms. As used in this chapter, the following acronyms apply:
ADPE: Automatic Data Processing Equipment
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
CSC: Customer Supply Center
DEAR: Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation
DOD: Department of Defense
DOE: Department of Energy
DOE-PMR: Department of Energy Property Management Regulations
DPMO: Departmental Property Management Officer
ECCN: Export Control Classification Number
ECI: Export Controlled Information
EHFFP: Equipment Held For Future Projects
EOQ: Economic Order Quantity
ERLE: Energy-Related Laboratory Equipment
FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulation
FPMR: Federal Property Management Regulations
FSC: Federal Supply Classification
FSCG: Federal Supply Classification Group
GAO: General Accounting Office
GSA: General Services Administration
GVWR: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
INFCIRC: International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular
IFMS: Interagency Fleet Management System
M&O: Management and Operating
MCTL: Military Critical Technologies List
OCRM: Office of Contract and Resource Management
OPMO: Organizational Property Management Officer
OPSEC: Operations Security
PPL: Personal Property Letter
REAPS: Reportable Excess Automated Property System
SNM: Special Nuclear Material
UCNI: Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information
U.S.C.: United States Code