102-74.410—What is the policy concerning soliciting, vending and debt collection?

All persons entering in or on Federal property are prohibited from soliciting alms (including money and non-monetary items) or commercial or political donations, vending merchandise of all kinds, displaying or distributing commercial advertising, or collecting private debts, except for—
(a) National or local drives for funds for welfare, health or other purposes as authorized by 5 CFR part 950, entitled “Solicitation Of Federal Civilian And Uniformed Service Personnel For Contributions To Private Voluntary Organizations,” and sponsored or approved by the occupant agencies;
(b) Concessions or personal notices posted by employees on authorized bulletin boards;
(c) Solicitation of labor organization membership or dues authorized by occupant agencies under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95-454);
(d) Lessee, or its agents and employees, with respect to space leased for commercial, cultural, educational, or recreational use under 40 U.S.C. 581(h). Public areas of GSA-controlled property may be used for other activities in accordance with subpart D of this part;
(e) Collection of non-monetary items that are sponsored or approved by the occupant agencies; and
(f) Commercial activities sponsored by recognized Federal employee associations and on-site child care centers.