102-39.85—What information am I required to report?

(a) You must submit, within 90 calendar days after the close of each fiscal year, a summary report in a format of your choice on the exchange/sale transactions made under this part during the fiscal year (except for transactions involving books and periodicals in your libraries). The report must include:
(1) A list by Federal Supply Classification Group of property sold under this part showing the:
(i) Number of items sold;
(ii) Acquisition cost; and
(iii) Net proceeds.
(2) A list by Federal Supply Classification Group of property exchanged under this part showing the:
(i) Number of items exchanged;
(ii) Acquisition cost; and
(iii) Exchange allowance.
(b) Submit your report electronically or by mail to the General Services Administration, Office of Travel, Transportation and Asset Management (MT), 1800 F Street, NW., Washington, DC 20405.
(c) Report control number: 1528-GSA-AN.
(d) If you make no transactions under this part during a fiscal year, you must submit a report stating that no transactions occurred.

Code of Federal Regulations

[66 FR 48614, Sept. 21, 2001, as amended at 71 FR 20900, Apr. 24, 2006. Redesignated at 73 FR 50880, Aug. 29, 2008]