102-39.40—Why should I consider using the exchange/sale authority?

You should consider using the exchange/sale authority to reduce the cost of replacement personal property. When you have personal property that is wearing out or obsolete and must be replaced, you should consider either exchanging or selling that property and using the exchange allowance or sales proceeds to offset the cost of the replacement personal property. Conversely, if you choose not to replace the property using the exchange/sale authority, you may declare it as excess and dispose of it through the normal disposal process as addressed in part 102-36 of this chapter. Keep in mind, however, that any net proceeds from the eventual sale of that property as surplus generally must be forwarded to the miscellaneous receipts account at the United States Treasury and thus would not be available to you. You may use the exchange/sale authority in the acquisition of personal property even if the acquisition is under a services contract, as long as the property acquired under the services contract is similar to the property exchanged or sold (e.g., for a SLEP, exchange allowances or sales proceeds would be available for replacement of similar items, but not for services).

Code of Federal Regulations

[73 FR 50880, Aug. 29, 2008]