102-33.420—How must we declassify an aircraft?

To declassify an aircraft, you must—
(a) Send a letter to GSA, Aircraft Management Policy Division (MTA), 1800 F Street, NW., Washington, DC 20405, requesting approval to declassify the aircraft and stating that the aircraft is non-operational (which includes lost or destroyed). In this letter, identify the Federal Supply Classification (FSC) group(s) that the declassified aircraft/parts will fall under if applicable, describe the condition of the aircraft (crash-damaged, unrecoverable, parts unavailable, etc.), and include photographs as appropriate.
(b) Within 14 calendar days of receiving GSA's approval to declassify the aircraft—
(1) Following applicable Federal Aviation Regulations ( 14 CFR 45.13 ), request approval from your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) to remove the manufacturer's data plate;
(2) Within 14 calendar days of receiving approval from FAA to remove the data plate, inform GSA (MTA) of FAA's approval, send the data plate by courier or registered mail to the FAA, as directed by your FSDO, and remove any Certificate of Airworthiness and the aircraft's registration form from the aircraft, complete the reverse side of the registration form, and send both documents to the FAA.
(c) Delete the aircraft from your FAIRS inventory records and update your personal property records, deleting the declassified aircraft from the aircraft category and adding it to another Federal Supply Classification group or groups, as appropriate.