SUBPART B—How Are Advisory Committees Established, Renewed, Reestablished, and Terminated? (§102-3.45 to §102-3.85)
- 102-3.45—What does this subpart cover and how does it apply?
- 102-3.50—What are the authorities for establishing advisory committees?
- 102-3.55—What rules apply to the duration of an advisory committee?
- 102-3.60—What procedures are required to establish, renew, or reestablish a discretionary advisory committee?
- 102-3.65—What are the public notification requirements for discretionary advisory committees?
- 102-3.70—What are the charter filing requirements?
- 102-3.75—What information must be included in the charter of an advisory committee?
- 102-3.80—How are minor charter amendments accomplished?
- 102-3.85—How are major charter amendments accomplished?