102-3.125—How should agencies consider the roles of advisory committee members and staff?

FACA does not assign any specific responsibilities to members of advisory committees and staff, although both perform critical roles in achieving the goals and objectives assigned to advisory committees. Agency heads, Committee Management Officers (CMOs), and Designated Federal Officers (DFOs) should consider the distinctions between these roles and how they relate to each other in the development of agency guidelines implementing the Act and this Federal Advisory Committee Management part. In general, these guidelines should reflect:
(a) Clear operating procedures. Clear operating procedures should provide for the conduct of advisory committee meetings and other activities, and specify the relationship among the advisory committee members, the DFO, and advisory committee or agency staff;
(b) Agency operating policies. In addition to compliance with the Act, advisory committee members and staff may be required to adhere to additional agency operating policies; and
(c) Other applicable statutes. Other agency-specific statutes and regulations may affect the agency's advisory committees directly or indirectly. Agencies should ensure that advisory committee members and staff understand these requirements.