102-192.50—What payment processes are we required to use?

All payments to the United States Postal Service or authorized service providers must be made using commercial payment processes.
(a) Agencies may no longer use the Intergovernmental Payment and Collection Payment (IPAC) process associated with the Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS), except where GSA has approved a temporary deviation for a specific agency, office, or component.
(b) Any deviation related to the requirements of this section that has not reached its expiration date on the effective date of this rule will continue in effect until it expires.
(c) Any new deviation request, or any request to extend an existing deviation, must include a plan for the agency to implement an accountable system for postage, as discussed in § 102-192.65.
(d) GSA provides detailed guidance on commercial payment processes and accountability on its web site, www.gsa.gov/mailpolicy.