102-173.55—What is the naming convention for Cities and Townships?

(a) To register any second-level domain within dot-gov, City (town) governments must register the domain name with the city (town) name or abbreviation, and clear reference to the State in which the city (town) is located. However—
(1) Use of the State postal code should not be embedded within a single word in a way that obscures the postal code; and
(2) Inclusion of the word city or town within the domain name is optional and may be used at the discretion of the local government.
(b) (1) The preferred format for city governments is to denote the State postal code after the city name, optionally separated by a dash. Examples of preferred domain names include—
(i) Chicago-il.gov;
(ii) Cityofcharleston-sc.gov;
(iii) Charleston-wv.gov;
(iv) Townofdumfries-va.gov; and
(v) Detroitmi.gov.
(2) GSA reserves the right to make exceptions to the naming conventions described in this subpart on a case-by-case basis in unique and compelling cases.
(c) If third-level domain naming is used, GSA reserves the right to offer exceptions to the third-level domain naming conventions described in this section on a case-by-case basis in unique and compelling cases.