101-8.714—Information requirements.

Each recipient must:
(a) Keep records in a form and containing information that GSA determines necessary to ensure that the recipient is complying with the Act and this regulation.
(b) Provide to GSA upon request, information and reports that GSA determines necessary to find out whether the recipient is complying with the Act and this regulation.
(c) Permit reasonable access by GSA to books, records, accounts, facilities, and other sources of information to the extent GSA finds it necessary to find out whether the recipient is complying with the Act and this regulation. GSA adopts HHS policy regarding the kinds of data and information recipients are expected to keep ( 45 CFR 90.34 ). This policy is parallel to compliance information sections in the title VI, title IX, and section 504 implementation regulations. While recognizing the need for enough data to assess recipient compliance, GSA is committed to lessening the data gathering burden on recipients. GSA further recognizes that there is no established body of knowledge or experience to guide the assessment of age discrimination. This regulation, therefore, does not impose specific data requirements upon recipients, rather, it allows GSA to be flexible in deciding what kinds of data should be kept by recipients, based on what kinds of data prove useful as GSA gains experience with the Age Discrimination Act, and age discrimination issues become clearer.
(d) In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 59-511), the reporting and record keeping provisions included in this regulation will be submitted, for approval, to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). No data collection or record keeping requirement will be imposed on recipients or donees without the required OMB approval number.