101-42.1102-9—Acid contaminated and explosive contaminated property.

(a) Utilization requirements. (1) Acid contaminated or explosive contaminated property shall be considered extremely hazardous property, and as such is not to be reported to GSA as excess personal property. Such property may be available for transfer to qualified recipients; i.e., those who are able to submit valid justifications as required by paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(2) Excess acid contaminated or explosive contaminated property shall be properly labeled under the labeling requirements of § 101-42.204.
(3) With the authorization of the appropriate GSA regional office, holding activities may transfer acid contaminated or explosive contaminated property in conformance with the requirements of §§ 101-43.309-5 and 101-42.207. In addition, the requesting agency must submit a written justification with the transfer order explaining the specific need for and the anticipated uses of the requested acid or explosive contaminated property, and certify that personnel in contact with the property shall be informed of the hazard and shall be qualified to safely handle or use it.
(4) The degree of decontamination and the responsibility for performance and costs of any decontamination shall be upon such terms as agreed to by the owning agency and the receiving agency.
(5) The receiving agency is responsible for all transportation arrangements and costs of acid contaminated or explosive contaminated property approved for transfer. Such property shall be transported in compliance with § 101-42.405.
(b) Donation requirements. Acid contaminated and explosive contaminated property may be donated only with the authorization of the appropriate GSA regional office.
(c) Sales requirements. (1) With the authorization of the appropriate GSA regional office, holding activities may sell acid contaminated or explosive contaminated property under § 101-45.304, subpart , and the additional special requirements of this paragraph (c). Agencies shall include in reports of such property for sale on SF 126, a statement of the degree of contamination and any decontamination that has been performed, such as a washdown.
(2) Acid or explosive contaminated property shall be considered extremely hazardous property as defined in § 101-42.001, and shall be described as such in sales offerings. Normally, acid or explosive contaminated property shall be sold with a condition that the purchaser sufficiently decontaminate the property to the degree that it is no longer extremely hazardous.
(3) IFBs for acid or explosive contaminated property shall clearly state the specific hazards associated with the items offered, along with known special handling, transportation, and personnel protection requirements. The bid page shall contain a certification substantially as follows which must be properly executed by the bidder in order for the bid to be responsive:
CERTIFICATION: It is hereby certified that the purchaser will comply with all the applicable Federal, State, and local laws ordinances and regulations with respect to the care, handling, storage, and shipment, resale, export, and other use of the materials, hereby purchased, and that he/she is a user of, or dealer in, said materials and will comply with all applicable Federal, State, or local laws and regulations. This certification is made in accordance with and subject to the penalties of Title 18, Section 1001, the United States Code, Crime and Criminal Procedures.
(d) Abandonment and destruction. Acid contaminated or explosive contaminated property shall not be abandoned, and when destroyed, such destruction shall be accomplished under the provisions of subparts and § 101-42.406.