101-26.803-2—Reporting quality deficiencies.

(a) Quality deficiencies are defined as defects or nonconforming conditions which limit or prohibit the item received from fulfilling its intended purpose. Quality deficiencies include deficiencies in design, specification, material, manufacturing, and workmanship. Timely reporting of all quality deficiencies is essential to maintain an acceptable quality level for common-use items. GSA relies on agency reporting of quality deficiencies in order to act to remove the defective items from the supply system as well as to document contractor performance files for use in future procurements.
(b) A product deficiency which may cause death, injury, or severe occupational illness, or directly restrict the mission capabilities of the using organization, is called a “category I” complaint. Quality complaints that do not meet the category I criteria are called “category II” complaints. Standard Form (SF) 368, Quality Deficiency Report, or a message in the format of the Standard Form 368, is used to report quality deficiencies.
(c) Standard Form 368 (including SF's 368 submitted in message formats) are required for all product quality deficiencies that involve material (1) shipped to the user from a GSA distribution center (including shipments made directly to the user from GSA distribution centers as well as “indirect” shipments (shipments with intermediate stops between the GSA distribution center and the ultimate user)), (2) shipped to the user from a DOD depot or another Government activity, as directed by GSA, (3) purchased by GSA for the user and inspected by GSA, or (4) ordered from a GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract which specified source inspection by GSA.
(d) Category I complaints are to be reported to GSA by telephone or telegraphic message within 72 hours of discovery. Category II complaints are to be reported within 15 days after discovery.
(e) Standard Forms 368 (in triplicate) should be sent to the following address: GSA Discrepancy Reports Centers (6 FR-Q), 1500 East Bannister Road, Kansas City, MO 64131-3088. Communications routing indicator: RUEVFXE (unclassified), RULSSAA (classified), Com: (816) 926-7447, FTS: 926-7447, AUTOVON: 465-7447.
In addition, when reporting a category I product quality deficiency condition, an information copy should be sent to the following address: General Services Administration, FSS, Office of Quality and Contract Administration, Quality Assurance Division (FQA), Washington, DC 20406. Communications routing indicator: RUEVFWM (unclassified), RULSSAA (classified), COM: (703) 557-8515, FTS: 557-8515.
(f) For defective items covered by a manufacturer's commercial warranty, activities should initially attempt to resolve all complaints on these items themselves (examples of items with a commercial warranty are vehicles, major appliances such as gas and electric ranges, washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators). If the contractor replaces or corrects the deficiency, an SF 368, in triplicate, should be sent to the Discrepancy Reports Center at the above address. The resolution of the case should be clearly stated in the text of the SF 368.
(g) If, however, the contractor refuses to correct, or fails to replace, either a defective item or an aspect of service under the warranty, an SF 368, along with copies of all pertinent correspondence, should be forwarded to the GSA office executing the contract (address will be contained in the pertinent contract/purchase order). An information copy of the SF 368 should also be submitted to the Discrepancy Reports Center at the above address.
(h) For items ordered from a GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract when the inspection is performed by an activity other than GSA or when the items are purchased by GSA for the user but not inspected by GSA, activities should initially attempt to resolve all complaints on these items directly with the contractor. If the contractor refuses to correct, or fails to replace a defective item, an SF 368, along with copies of all correspondence, should be forwarded to the GSA office executing the contract (address will be contained in the pertinent contract/purchase order). An information copy of the SF 368 should also be submitted to the Discrepancy Reports Center at the above address.
(i) Information submitted to the Discrepancy Reports Center regarding defective items will be maintained as a quality history file for use in future procurements.
(j) Additional information regarding reporting of quality deficiences may be obtained by referring to chapter 4 of the GSA publication cited in § 101-26.803-1.

Code of Federal Regulations

[53 FR 26595, July 14, 1988, as amended at 55 FR 24086, June 14, 1990]