101-26.701—Purchase of products and services from the blind and other severely handicapped persons.

(a) Purchases by executive agencies of products produced by workshops of the blind or other severely handicapped persons which are carried in GSA supply distribution facilities must be made as provided in subpart .
(b) Purchases by all Federal agencies of products and services offered for sale by workshops of the blind or other severely handicapped persons which are not carried in GSA supply distribution facilities, and purchases by executive agencies under exceptions set forth in § 101-26.301, must be made in accordance with the Procurement List published by the Committee for Purchase of Products and Services of the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped. Products and services offered by the blind shall be given precedence over those offered by other severely handicapped persons. (See § 101-26.702(d) for priority accorded to products manufactured by Federal Prison Industries, Inc.)
(c) Products produced by workshops for the blind or other severely handicapped persons which are available from GSA supply distribution facilities are designated by an asterisk(*) preceding the national stock number in the Procurement List identified in paragraph (b) of this section.

Code of Federal Regulations

[39 FR 20599, June 12, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 7619, Feb. 21, 1975]