101-25.104—Acquisition of office furniture and office machines.

Each executive agency shall make a determination as to whether the requirements of the agency can be met through the utilization of already owned items prior to the acquisition of new furniture or office machines. The acquisition of new items shall be limited to those requirements which are considered absolutely essential and shall not include upgrading to improve appearance, office decor, or status, or to satisfy the desire for the latest design or more expensive lines.
(a) Generally acquisition of additional furniture or office machines from any source will be authorized only under the following circumstances, limited to the least expensive lines which will meet the requirement (see § 101-26.408 of this chapter with respect to items such as typewriters under Federal Supply Schedule contracts), and the justification for the action shall be fully documented in the agency file:
(1) For essential requirements arising from quantitative increases in onboard employment which constitute the total requirement of any agency or major component thereof (e.g. bureau, service, office).
(2) For essential requirements arising from a need not related to onboard employment increases but which are determined necessary to avoid impairment of program efficiency.
(b) Each agency shall restrict replacement of furniture or office machines either to usable excess, rehabilitated, or the least expensive new lines available which will meet the requirement under the following circumstances, authority for which will meet the requirement under the following circumstances, authority for which shall be fully documented in the agency file:
(1) Where the agency determines that the item is not economically repairable.
(2) Where reductions in office space occupancy are accomplished through use of more convenient or smaller size furniture and the space economies thus achieved offset the cost of the furniture to be acquired.

Code of Federal Regulations

[30 FR 5479, Apr. 16, 1965, as amended at 42 FR 1031, Jan. 5, 1977]