91.328—Measurement equipment accuracy/calibration frequency table.
The accuracy of measurements must be such that the maximum tolerances shown in Table 2 in appendix A to this subpart are not exceeded.
Calibrate all equipment and analyzers according to the frequencies shown in Table 2 in appendix A to this subpart.
At least monthly, or after any maintenance which could alter calibration, perform the following calibrations and checks.
Verify that the automatic data collection system (if used) meets the requirements found in Table 2 in appendix A to this subpart.
Check the fuel flow measurement instrument to insure that the specifications in Table 2 in appendix A to this subpart are met.
Verify that all NDIR analyzers meet the water rejection ratio and the CO2 rejection ratio as specified in § 91.325.
Verify that the dynamometer test stand and power output instrumentation meet the specifications in Table 2 in appendix A to this subpart.