
The definitions in § 88.302-93 and 40 CFR part 86 also apply to this part. All terms used in this part, but not defined in this section or in § 88.302-93 and 40 CFR part 86 shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Clean Air Act.
Can be centrally fueled means the sum of those vehicles that are centrally fueled and those vehicles that are capable of being centrally fueled.
(1) Capable of being centrally fueled means a fleet, or that part of a fleet, consisting of vehicles that could be refueled 100 percent of the time at a location that is owned, operated, or controlled by the covered fleet operator, or is under contract with the covered fleet operator. The fact that one or more vehicles in a fleet is/are not capable of being centrally fueled does not exempt an entire fleet from the program.
(2) Centrally fueled means a fleet, or that part of a fleet, consisting of vehicles that are fueled 100 percent of the time at a location that is owned, operated, or controlled by the covered fleet operator, or is under contract with the covered fleet operator. Any vehicle that is under normal operations garaged at home at night but that is, in fact, centrally fueled 100 percent of the time shall be considered to be centrally fueled for the purpose of this definition. The fact that one or more vehicles in a fleet is/are not centrally fueled does not exempt an entire fleet from the program. The fact that a vehicle is not centrally fueled does not mean it could not be centrally fueled in accordance with the definition of “capable of being centrally fueled.”
(3) Location means any building, structure, facility, or installation which; is owned or operated by a person, or is under the control of a person; is located on one or more contiguous properties and contains or could contain a fueling pump or pumps for the use of the vehicles owned or controlled by that person.
Clean-fuel vehicle aftermarket conversion certifier means the business or entity that obtains a certificate of conformity with the clean-fuel vehicle standards and requirements for a vehicle/engine conversion configuration pursuant to the requirements of 40 CFR part 86 and this part 88.
Control means: (1) When it is used to join all entities under common management, means any one or a combination of the following:
(i) A third person or firm has equity ownership of 51 percent or more in each of two or more firms;
(ii) Two or more firms have common corporate officers, in whole or in substantial part, who are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the companies.
(iii) One firm leases, operates, supervises, or in 51 percent or greater part owns equipment and/or facilities used by another person or firm, or has equity ownership of 51 percent or more of another firm.
(2) When it is used to refer to the management of vehicles, means a person has the authority to decide who can operate a particular vehicle, and the purposes for which the vehicle can be operated.
(3) When it is used to refer to the management of people, means a person has the authority to direct the activities of another person or employee in a precise situation, such as at the workplace.
Conversion configuration means any combination of vehicle/engine conversion hardware and a base vehicle of a specific engine family.
Covered fleet operator means a person who operates a fleet of at least ten covered fleet vehicles (as defined in section 241(6) of the Act) and that fleet is operated in a single covered area (even if the covered fleet vehicles are garaged outside of it). For purposes of this definition, the vehicle types described in the definition of covered fleet ( section 241(5) of the Act) as exempt from the program will not be counted toward the ten-vehicle criterion.
Dealer demonstration vehicle means any vehicle that is operated by a motor vehicle dealer (as defined in section 216(4) of the Act) solely for the purpose of promoting motor vehicle sales, either on the sales lot or through other marketing or sales promotions, or for permitting potential purchasers to drive the vehicle for pre-purchase or pre-lease evaluation.
Emergency vehicle means any vehicle that is legally authorized by a governmental authority to exceed the speed limit to transport people and equipment to and from situations in which speed is required to save lives or property, such as a rescue vehicle, fire truck, or ambulance.
Law enforcement vehicle means any vehicle which is primarily operated by a civilian or military police officer or sheriff, or by personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, or other agencies of the federal government, or by state highway patrols, municipal law enforcement, or other similar law enforcement agencies, and which is used for the purpose of law enforcement activities including, but not limited to, chase, apprehension, surveillance, or patrol of people engaged in or potentially engaged in unlawful activities. For federal law enforcement vehicles, the definition contained in Executive Order 12759, Section 11: Alternative Fueled Vehicle for the Federal Fleet, Guidance Document for Federal Agencies, shall apply.
Model year, as it applies to the clean fuel vehicle fleet purchase requirements, means September 1 through August 31.
Motor vehicles held for lease or rental to the general public means a vehicle that is owned or controlled primarily for the purpose of short-term rental or extended-term leasing (with or without maintenance), without a driver, pursuant to a contract.
New covered fleet vehicle means a vehicle that has not been previously controlled by the current purchaser, regardless of the model year, except as follows: Vehicles that were manufactured before the start of the fleet program for such vehicle's weight class, vehicles transferred due to the purchase of a company not previously controlled by the purchaser or due to a consolidation of business operations, vehicles transferred as part of an employee transfer, or vehicles transferred for seasonal requirements (i.e., for less than 120 days) are not considered new. States are permitted to discontinue the use of the fourth exception for fleet operators who abuse the discretion afforded them. This definition of new covered fleet vehicle is distinct from the definition of new vehicle as it applies to manufacturer certification, including the certification of vehicles to the clean fuel standards.
Owned or operated, leased or otherwise controlled by such person means either of the following:
(1) Such person holds the beneficial title to such vehicle; or
(2) Such person uses the vehicle for transportation purposes pursuant to a contract or similar arrangement, the term of such contract or similar arrangement is for a period of 120 days or more, and such person has control over the vehicle pursuant to the definition of control of this section.
Person includes an individual, corporation, partnership, association, State, municipality, political subdivision of a State, and any agency, department, or instrumentality of the United States and any officer, agent, or employee thereof.
Under normal circumstances garaged at personal residence means a vehicle that, when it is not in use, is normally parked at the personal residence of the individual who usually operates it, rather than at a central refueling, maintenance, and/or business location. Such vehicles are not considered to be capable of being central fueled (as defined in this subpart) and are exempt from the program unless they are, in fact, centrally fueled.
Vehicle used for motor vehicle manufacturer product evaluations and tests means a vehicle that is owned and operated by a motor vehicle manufacturer (as defined in section 216(1) of the Act), or motor vehicle component manufacturer, or owned or held by a university research department, independent testing laboratory, or other such evaluation facility, solely for the purpose of evaluating the performance of such vehicle for engineering, research and development, or quality control reasons.

Code of Federal Regulations

[58 FR 64691, Dec. 9, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 50080, Sept. 30, 1994]