86.1405—Introduction; structure of subpart.

(a) This subpart describes equipment and the procedures required to perform the CST on gasoline-fueled Otto-cycle light-duty vehicles and gasoline-fueled Otto-cycle light-duty trucks (including those certified to operate using both gasoline and another fuel). Subpart A of this part sets forth the testing requirements, reporting requirements and test intervals necessary to comply with EPA certification procedures, subpart G of this part sets forth the requirements for Selective Enforcement Auditing of light-duty vehicles, subpart H of this part sets forth the standards for in-use testing, subpart K of this part sets forth the requirements for Selective Enforcement Auditing of light-duty trucks, and part 85, subpart W of this chapter sets forth the testing requirements for inspection and maintenance testing (which also may be utilized as part of the CST as defined in this subpart).
(b) Three topics are addressed in this subpart. Sections 86.1406 through 86.1413 set forth specifications and equipment requirements; §§ 86.1416 through 86.1426 discuss calibration methods and frequency; and test procedures and data requirements are described in §§ 86.1427 through 86.1442.