65.167—Other reports.
(a) Replacing an existing control or recovery device.
As specified in § 65.147(b)(2), § 65.148(b)(3), § 65.149(b)(3), § 65.150(b)(2), § 65.151(b)(2), § 65.152(b)(2), or § 65.153(b)(2), if an owner or operator at a facility not required to obtain a title V permit elects at a later date to use a different control or recovery device, then the Administrator shall be notified by the owner or operator before implementing the change. This notification may be included in the facility's periodic reporting and shall include a description of any changes made to the closed vent system.
(b) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction periodic reports.
Startup, shutdown, and malfunction periodic reports shall be submitted as required in § 65.6(c).