60.1370—What records must I keep for municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon?
For municipal waste combustion units that use activated carbon to control dioxins/furans or mercury emissions, you must keep records of five items:
Average carbon feed rate in kilograms (or pounds) per hour during all stack tests for dioxins/furans and mercury emissions. Include supporting calculations in the records.
For the operating parameter chosen to monitor carbon feed rate, average operating level during all stack tests for dioxins/furans and mercury emissions. Include supporting data that document the relationship between the operating parameter and the carbon feed rate.
All 8-hour block average carbon feed rates in kilograms (or pounds) per hour calculated from the monitored operating parameter.
Total carbon purchased and delivered to the municipal waste combustion plant for each calendar quarter. If you choose to evaluate total carbon purchased and delivered on a municipal waste combustion unit basis, record the total carbon purchased and delivered for each individual municipal waste combustion unit at your plant. Include supporting documentation.
Required quarterly usage of carbon for the municipal waste combustion plant, calculated using equation 4 or 5 in § 60.1460(f). If you choose to evaluate required quarterly usage for carbon on a municipal waste combustion unit basis, record the required quarterly usage for each municipal waste combustion unit at your plant. Include supporting calculations.
The calendar dates when the average carbon feed rate over an 8-hour block was less than the average carbon feed rates determined during the most recent stack test for dioxins/furans or mercury emissions (whichever has a higher feed rate).
Corrective actions you took or are taking to meet the 8-hour average carbon feed rate requirement.
Calendar dates for which you did not collect the minimum amount of carbon feed rate data required under § 60.1335.
(d) Records of exclusions.
Document each time you have excluded data from your calculation of average carbon feed rates and the reasons the data were excluded.