
As used in this part, all terms not defined herein have the meaning given them in the Act.
AADT means the annual average daily traffic.
Act means the Clean Air Act as amended (42 U.S.C. 7401, et seq. )
Additive and multiplicative bias means the linear regression intercept and slope of a linear plot fitted to corresponding candidate and reference method mean measurement data pairs.
Administrator means the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or his or her authorized representative.
Air Quality System (AQS) means EPA's computerized system for storing and reporting of information relating to ambient air quality data.
Approved regional method (ARM) means a continuous PM2.5 method that has been approved specifically within a State or local air monitoring network for purposes of comparison to the NAAQS and to meet other monitoring objectives.
AQCR means air quality control region.
CO means carbon monoxide.
Combined statistical area (CSA) is defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget as a geographical area consisting of two or more adjacent Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA) with employment interchange of at least 15 percent. Combination is automatic if the employment interchange is 25 percent and determined by local opinion if more than 15 but less than 25 percent (http://www.census.gov/population/estimates/metro-city/List6.txt ).
Community monitoring zone (CMZ) means an optional averaging area with established, well defined boundaries, such as county or census block, within an MPA that has relatively uniform concentrations of annual PM2.5 as defined by appendix N of part 50 of this chapter. Two or more community-oriented SLAMS monitors within a CMZ that meet certain requirements as set forth in appendix N of part 50 of this chapter may be averaged for making comparisons to the annual PM2.5 NAAQS.
Core-based statistical area (CBSA) is defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, as a statistical geographic entity consisting of the county or counties associated with at least one urbanized area/urban cluster of at least 10,000 population, plus adjacent counties having a high degree of social and economic integration. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and micropolitan statistical areas are the two categories of CBSA (metropolitan areas have populations greater than 50,000; and micropolitan areas have populations between 10,000 and 50,000). In the case of very large cities where two or more CBSAs are combined, these larger areas are referred to as combined statistical areas (CSAs) (http://www.census.gov/population/estimates/metro-city/List1.txt ).
Corrected concentration pertains to the result of an accuracy or precision assessment test of an open path analyzer in which a high-concentration test or audit standard gas contained in a short test cell is inserted into the optical measurement beam of the instrument. When the pollutant concentration measured by the analyzer in such a test includes both the pollutant concentration in the test cell and the concentration in the atmosphere, the atmospheric pollutant concentration must be subtracted from the test measurement to obtain the corrected concentration test result. The corrected concentration is equal to the measured concentration minus the average of the atmospheric pollutant concentrations measured (without the test cell) immediately before and immediately after the test.
Design value means the calculated concentration according to the applicable appendix of part 50 of this chapter for the highest site in an attainment or nonattainment area.
EDO means environmental data operations.
Effective concentration pertains to testing an open path analyzer with a high-concentration calibration or audit standard gas contained in a short test cell inserted into the optical measurement beam of the instrument. Effective concentration is the equivalent ambient-level concentration that would produce the same spectral absorbance over the actual atmospheric monitoring path length as produced by the high-concentration gas in the short test cell. Quantitatively, effective concentration is equal to the actual concentration of the gas standard in the test cell multiplied by the ratio of the path length of the test cell to the actual atmospheric monitoring path length.
Federal equivalent method (FEM) means a method for measuring the concentration of an air pollutant in the ambient air that has been designated as an equivalent method in accordance with part 53 of this chapter; it does not include a method for which an equivalent method designation has been canceled in accordance with § 53.11 or § 53.16 of this chapter.
Federal reference method (FRM) means a method of sampling and analyzing the ambient air for an air pollutant that is specified as a reference method in an appendix to part 50 of this chapter, or a method that has been designated as a reference method in accordance with this part; it does not include a method for which a reference method designation has been canceled in accordance with § 53.11 or § 53.16 of this chapter.
HNO 3 means nitric acid.
Local agency means any local government agency, other than the State agency, which is charged by a State with the responsibility for carrying out a portion of the plan.
Meteorological measurements means measurements of wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation, and/or precipitation.
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) means a CBSA associated with at least one urbanized area of 50,000 population or greater. The central county plus adjacent counties with a high degree of integration comprise the area.
Monitor means an instrument, sampler, analyzer, or other device that measures or assists in the measurement of atmospheric air pollutants and which is acceptable for use in ambient air surveillance under the applicable provisions of appendix C to this part.
Monitoring agency means a State or local agency responsible for meeting the requirements of this part.
Monitoring organization means a State, local, or other monitoring organization responsible for operating a monitoring site for which the quality assurance regulations apply.
Monitoring path for an open path analyzer means the actual path in space between two geographical locations over which the pollutant concentration is measured and averaged.
Monitoring path length of an open path analyzer means the length of the monitoring path in the atmosphere over which the average pollutant concentration measurement (path-averaged concentration) is determined. See also, optical measurement path length.
Monitoring planning area (MPA) means a contiguous geographic area with established, well defined boundaries, such as a CBSA, county or State, having a common area that is used for planning monitoring locations for PM2.5. An MPA may cross State boundaries, such as the Philadelphia PA-NJ MSA, and be further subdivided into community monitoring zones. MPAs are generally oriented toward CBSAs or CSAs with populations greater than 200,000, but for convenience, those portions of a State that are not associated with CBSAs can be considered as a single MPA.
NATTS means the national air toxics trends stations. This network provides hazardous air pollution ambient data.
NCore means the National Core multipollutant monitoring stations. Monitors at these sites are required to measure particles (PM2.5, speciated PM2.5, PM10-2.5 ), O3, SO2, CO, nitrogen oxides (NO/NO2 /NOy ), Pb, and basic meteorology.
Near-road NO 2 Monitor means any NO2 monitor meeting the specifications in 4.3.2 of appendix D and paragraphs 2, 4(d), 6.1, and 6.4 of appendix E of this part.
Network means all stations of a given type or types.
NH 3 means ammonia.
NO 2 means nitrogen dioxide. NO means nitrogen oxide. NOX means oxides of nitrogen and is defined as the sum of the concentrations of NO2 and NO.
NO y means the sum of all total reactive nitrogen oxides, including NO, NO2, and other nitrogen oxides referred to as NOZ.
O 3 means ozone.
Open path analyzer means an automated analytical method that measures the average atmospheric pollutant concentration in situ along one or more monitoring paths having a monitoring path length of 5 meters or more and that has been designated as a reference or equivalent method under the provisions of part 53 of this chapter.
Optical measurement path length means the actual length of the optical beam over which measurement of the pollutant is determined. The path-integrated pollutant concentration measured by the analyzer is divided by the optical measurement path length to determine the path-averaged concentration. Generally, the optical measurement path length is:
(1) Equal to the monitoring path length for a (bistatic) system having a transmitter and a receiver at opposite ends of the monitoring path;
(2) Equal to twice the monitoring path length for a (monostatic) system having a transmitter and receiver at one end of the monitoring path and a mirror or retroreflector at the other end; or
(3) Equal to some multiple of the monitoring path length for more complex systems having multiple passes of the measurement beam through the monitoring path.
PAMS means photochemical assessment monitoring stations.
Pb means lead.
Plan means an implementation plan approved or promulgated pursuant to section 110 of the Act.
PM means PM10, PM110C, PM2.5, PM10−2.5, or particulate matter of unspecified size range.
PM 2.5 means particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 2.5 micrometers as measured by a reference method based on appendix L of part 50 of this chapter and designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter, by an equivalent method designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter, or by an approved regional method designated in accordance with appendix C to this part.
PM 10 means particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers as measured by a reference method based on appendix J of part 50 of this chapter and designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter or by an equivalent method designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.
PM 10C means particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers as measured by a reference method based on appendix O of part 50 of this chapter and designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter or by an equivalent method designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.
PM 10−2.5 means particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers and greater than a nominal 2.5 micrometers as measured by a reference method based on appendix O to part 50 of this chapter and designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter or by an equivalent method designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.
Point analyzer means an automated analytical method that measures pollutant concentration in an ambient air sample extracted from the atmosphere at a specific inlet probe point and that has been designated as a reference or equivalent method in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.
Population-oriented monitoring (or sites) means residential areas, commercial areas, recreational areas, industrial areas where workers from more than one company are located, and other areas where a substantial number of people may spend a significant fraction of their day.
Primary quality assurance organization means a monitoring organization or other organization that is responsible for a set of stations that monitor the same pollutant and for which data quality assessments can be pooled. Each criteria pollutant sampler/monitor at a monitoring station in the SLAMS and SPM networks must be associated with one, and only one, primary quality assurance organization.
Probe means the actual inlet where an air sample is extracted from the atmosphere for delivery to a sampler or point analyzer for pollutant analysis.
PSD station means any station operated for the purpose of establishing the effect on air quality of the emissions from a proposed source for purposes of prevention of significant deterioration as required by § 51.24(n) of this chapter.
Regional Administrator means the Administrator of one of the ten EPA Regional Offices or his or her authorized representative.
Reporting organization means an entity, such as a State, local, or Tribal monitoring agency, that collects and reports air quality data to EPA.
Site means a geographic location. One or more stations may be at the same site.
SLAMS means State or local air monitoring stations. The SLAMS make up the ambient air quality monitoring sites that are primarily needed for NAAQS comparisons, but may serve other data purposes. SLAMS exclude special purpose monitor (SPM) stations and include NCore, PAMS, and all other State or locally operated stations that have not been designated as SPM stations.
SO 2 means sulfur dioxide.
Special purpose monitor (SPM) station means a monitor included in an agency's monitoring network that the agency has designated as a special purpose monitor station in its monitoring network plan and in the Air Quality System, and which the agency does not count when showing compliance with the minimum requirements of this subpart for the number and siting of monitors of various types.
State agency means the air pollution control agency primarily responsible for development and implementation of a plan under the Act.
State speciation site means a supplemental PM2.5 speciation station that is not part of the speciation trends network.
Station means a single monitor, or a group of monitors with a shared objective, located at a particular site.
STN station means a PM2.5 speciation station designated to be part of the speciation trends network. This network provides chemical species data of fine particulate.
Traceable means that a local standard has been compared and certified, either directly or via not more than one intermediate standard, to a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-certified primary standard such as a NIST-traceable Reference Material (NTRM) or a NIST-certified Gas Manufacturer's Internal Standard (GMIS).
TSP (total suspended particulates) means particulate matter as measured by the method described in appendix B of part 50 of this chapter.
Urbanized area means an area with a minimum residential population of at least 50,000 people and which generally includes core census block groups or blocks that have a population density of at least 1,000 people per square mile and surrounding census blocks that have an overall density of at least 500 people per square mile. The Census Bureau notes that under certain conditions, less densely settled territory may be part of each Urbanized Area.
VOC means volatile organic compounds.

Code of Federal Regulations

[71 FR 61296, Oct. 17, 2006, as amended at 75 FR 6534, Feb. 9, 2010]