52.2170—Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan for South Dakota under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410 and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards or other requirements under the Clean Air Act.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to November 15, 2004 was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as submitted by the state to EPA, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries for paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after November 15, 2004, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 8 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of November 15, 2004.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8, 999 18th Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado, 80202-2466; Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Room B-108 (Mail Code 6102T), 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
(1) State of South Dakota Regulations
State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date andcitation 1 Explanations
74:36:01:01 Definitions 74:36:01:01(8)(e), (29), (30), (77) 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:01:05 Applicable Requirements of the Clean Air Act Defined 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:01:20 Physical change or change in the method of operation 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:02Ambient Air Quality
74:36:02:02 Ambient air quality standards 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:02:03 Methods of sampling and analysis 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:02:04 Air quality monitoring network 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:02:05 Ambient air monitoring requirements 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:03Air Quality Episodes
74:36:03:01 Air pollution emergency episode 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:03:02 Episode emergency contingency plan 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:04Operating Permits for Minor Sources
74:36:04:04 Standard for issuance of operating permit 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:06Regulated Air Pollutant Emissions
74:36:06:04 Particulate emission restrictions for incinerators and waste wood burners 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:06:06 Stack performance test 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:07New Source Performance Standards 2
74:36:07:08 Ash Disposal requirements 12/29/96 5/22/00, 65 FR 32033
74:36:07:11 Additional permit requirements for asphalt plants (repealed) 4/4/99 5/22/00, 65 FR 32033
74:36:07:29 Operating requirements for wire reclamation furnaces 4/22/93 9/6/95, 60 FR 46222
74:36:07:30 Monitoring requirements for wire reclamation furnaces 4/22/93 9/6/95, 60 FR 46222
74:36:09Prevention of Significant Deterioration
74:36:09:01 Applicability 9/18/06 72 FR 72617
74:36:09:01.01 Prevention of significant deterioration permit required 9/18/06 72 FR 72617
Code of Federal Regulations 809
74:36:09:02 Prevention of significant deterioration 6/13/07 72 FR 72617
74:36:09:03 Public participation 9/18/06 72 FR 72617
74:36:10New Source Review
74:36:10:02 Definitions 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:10:03.01 New source review preconstruction permit required 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:10:05 New source review preconstruction permit 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:10:07 Determining credit for emission offsets 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:10:08 Projected actual emissions 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:10:09 Clean unit test for emission units subject to lowest achievable emission rate 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:10:10 Clean unit test for emission units comparable to lowest achievable emission rate 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:11Performance Testing
74:36:11:01 Stack performance testing or other testing methods 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:12Control of Visible Emissions
74:36:12:01 Restrictions on visible emissions 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:12:03 Exceptions granted to alfalfa pelletizers or dehydrators 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems
74:36:13:02 Minimum performance specifications for all continuous emission monitoring systems 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13:03 Reporting requirements 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13:04 Notice to department of exceedance 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13:06 Compliance certification 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13:07 Credible evidence 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13:08 Compliance Assurance Monitoring 6/13/2006 72 FR 57864; 10/11/2007
74:36:13:07 Credible evidence 1/2/05 8/14/06, 71 FR 46403
74:36:17Rapid City Street Sanding and Deicing
74:36:17:01 Applicability 2/11/96 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619
74:36:17:02 Reasonable available control technology 2/11/96 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619
74:36:17:03 Street sanding specifications 2/11/96 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619
74:36:17:04 Street deicing and maintenance plan 2/11/96 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619
74:36:17:05 Street sanding and sweeping recordkeeping 2/11/96 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619
74:36:17:06 Inspection authority 2/11/96 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619
74:36:18Regulations for State Facilities in the Rapid City Area
74:36:18:01 Definitions 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:02 Applicability 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:03 Permit required 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
Code of Federal Regulations 810
74:36:18:04 Time period for permits and renewals 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:05 Required contents of a complete application for a permit 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:06 Contents of permit 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:07 Permit expiration 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:08 Renewal of permit 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:09 Reasonably available control technology required 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:10 Visible emission limit for construction and continuous operation activities 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:11 Exception to visible emission limit 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
74:36:18:12 Notice of operating noncompliance—Contents 7/1/02 1/20/04, 69 FR 2671
1 In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision that is listed in this table, consult the Federal Register cited in this column for that particular provision.
2 The listed provisions are the only provisions of 74:36:07 included in the SIP.
(2) Pennington County Ordinance.
Ordinance citation Title/subject Adoption date EPA approval date andcitation 3 Explanations
Ordinance #12—Fugitive Dust Regulation—1.0 Control of Fugitive Dust
1.1 Applicability 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.2 Definitions 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.3 Standard of Compliance 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.4 Reasonably available control technology required 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.5 Fugitive dust control permits required for construction activities, i.e., temporary operations 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.6 Compliance plans and schedules required, i.e., continuous operations 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.7 Enforcement procedures 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.8 Establishment of administrative mechanisms 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
1.9 Separability 12/12/78 7/30/79, 44 FR 44494.
3 In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision that is listed in this table, consult the Federal Register cited in this column for that particular provision.
(d) EPA-approved source-specific requirements.
Name of source Nature of requirement State effective date EPA approval date and citation 4 Explanations
South Dakota State University steam generating Plant Variance No. AQ 79-02 3/18/82 7/7/83, 48 FR 31199 Variance expired on 3/18/85.
4 In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision that is listed in this table, consult the Federal Register cited in this column for that particular provision.
(e) EPA-approved nonregulatory provisions.
Name of nonregulatory SIP provision Applicable geographic or non-attainment area State submittal date/adopted date EPA approval date and citation 5 Explanations
I. South Dakota's Air Pollution Control Implementation Plan. Contains the following sections:A. Introduction B. Legal Authority C. Control Strategy D. Compliance Schedule Statewide Submitted: 1/27/72 and 5/2/72 Adopted: 1/17/72 5/31/72, 37 FR 10842 with correction and clarification on 7/27/72, 37 FR 15080.
E. Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
F. Air Quality Surveillance
G. Review of New Sources and Modifications
H. Source Surveillance
I. Resources
J. Intergovernmental Cooperation
II. Part D Plan for Total Suspended Particulate Rapid City Submitted: 12/27/78 Adopted: 12/78 7/30/79 44 FR 44494.
III. SIP to meet Air Quality Monitoring 40 CFR part 58 , subpart c, paragraph 58.20 and public notification required under section 127 of the Clean Air Act Statewide Submitted: 1/21/80 9/4/80, 45 FR 58528.
IV. Lead SIP Statewide Submitted: 5/4/84 9/26/84, 49 FR 37752.
V. Stack Height Demonstration Analysis Statewide Submitted: 8/20/96 and 12/3/86 6/7/89, 54 FR 24334.
VI. Commitment to revise stack height rules in response to NRDC v. Thomas, 838 F.2d 1224 (DC Cir. 1988) Statewide Submitted: 5/11/88 9/2/88, 53 FR 34077.
VII. PM10 Committal SIP Statewide Submitted: 7/12/88 10/5/90, 55 FR 4083.1
VIII. Small Business Assistance Program Statewide Submitted: 11/10/92 and 4/1/94 10/25/94, 59 FR 53589.
IX. Commitment regarding permit exceedences of the PM10 standard in Rapid City Rapid City Submitted: 7/19/95 6/10/02, 67 FR 39619.
X. Interstate Transport. South Dakota Interstate Transport Report satisfying the requirement of Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) of the CAA for the 1997 8-hour ozone and PM 2.5 standards Statewide Submitted: 5/15/07Adopted: 4/19/07 5/8/08, 73 FR 26019.
5 In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision that is listed in this table, consult the Federal Register cited in this column for that particular provision.

Code of Federal Regulations

[70 FR 11128, Mar. 8, 2005, as amended at 71 FR 46407, Aug. 14, 2006; 72 FR 57868, Oct. 11, 2007; 72 FR 72621, Dec. 21, 2007; 73 FR 26024, May 8, 2008]