52.1620—Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for New Mexico under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 1999, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after July 1, 1999, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of July 1, 1999.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Region 6 EPA Office at 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas, 75202-2733; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Air Docket (6102), 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
EPA Approved New Mexico Regulations
State citation Title/subject State approval/effective date EPA approval date Comments
New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) Title 20—Environment Protection Chapter 2—Air Quality
Part 1 General Provisions 4/8/2010 8/12/2010, 75 FR 48860
Part 2 Definitions 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 3 Ambient Air Quality Standards 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 5 Source Surveillance 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 7 Excess Emissions 7/10/2008 9/14/2009, 74 FR 46910
Part 8 Emissions Leaving New Mexico 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 10 Woodwaste Burners 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 11 Asphalt Process Equipment 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 12 Cement Kilns 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 13 Gypsum Processing Plants 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 14 Particulate Emissions From Coal Burning Equipment 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 15 Pumice, Mica and Perlite Process Equipment 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 16 Nonferrous Smelters (New and Existing)-Particulate Matter 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 17 Nonferrous Smelters (Existing)-Particulate Matter 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 18 Oil Burning Equipment-Particulate Matter 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 19 Potash, Salt or Sodium Sulfate Processing Equipment-Particulate Matter 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 20 Lime Manufacturing Plants-Particulate Matter 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 21 Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions from Nonferrous Smelters 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 22 Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions from Roads within the Town of Hurley 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 30 Kraft Mills 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 31 Coal Burning Equipment-Sulfur Dioxide 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 32 Coal Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 33 Gas Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 34 Oil Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 40 Sulfuric Acid Production Units-Sulfur Dioxide, Acid Mist and Visible Emissions 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 41 Nonferrous Smelters-Sulfur 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 60 Open Burning 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 61 Smoke and Visible Emissions 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 70 Operating Permits 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 71 Operating Permit Emission Fees 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 72 Construction Permits 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514 Subparts I, II, III, and V in SIP.
Part 73 Notice of Intent and Emissions Inventory Requirements 4/25/2005 8/12/2010, 75 FR 48860
Part 74 Permits—Prevention of Significant Deterioration 8/31/2009 11/26/2010, 75 FR 72688
Part 75 Construction Permit Fees 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 79 Permits—Nonattainment Areas 12/06/05 09/05/07, 72 FR 50879
Code of Federal Regulations 420
Part 80 Stack Heights 11/30/95 11/25/97, 62 FR 50514
Part 98 General Conformity 08/02/96 9/9/98, 63 FR 48109 Conditional approval expires on September 9, 1999.
Part 99 —Transportation Conformity Issuing Agency 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Scope 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Statutory Authority 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Duration 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Effective Date 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Objective 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Definitions 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Documents 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 to [Reserved] 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Applicability 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Priority 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Frequency of Conformity Determinations 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Frequency of Conformity Determinations—Transportation Plans 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Frequency of Conformity Determinations—Transportation Improvement Programs 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Frequency of Conformity Determinations—Projects 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Frequency of Conformity Determinations—Triggers for Transportation Plan and Tip Conformity Determinations 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Consultation 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Agency Roles in Consultation 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Agency Responsibilities in Consultation 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 General Consultation Procedures 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Consultation Procedures for Specific Major Activities 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Consultation Procedures for Specific Routine Activities 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Notification Procedures for Routine Activities 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Conflict Resolution and Appeals to the Governor 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Public Consultation Procedures 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Content of Transportation Plans and Timeframes of Conformity Determinations 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Relationship of Transportation Plan and Tip Conformity to the NEPA Process 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Fiscal Constraints for Transportation Plans and TIPs 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Criteria and Procedures for Determining Conformity of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects—General 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Criteria and Procedures—Latest Planning Assumptions 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169
Code of Federal Regulations 421 Criteria and Procedures—Latest Emissions Model 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Criteria and Procedures—Consultation 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Criteria and Procedures—Timely Implementation of TCMs 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Criteria and Procedures—Currently Conforming Transportation Plan and TIP 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Criteria and Procedures—Projects from a Transportation Plan and TIP 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Criteria and Procedures—Localized Co, PM10, and PM2.5 Violations (Hot Spots) 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Criteria and Procedures—Compliance with PM10, and PM2.5 Control Measures 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Criteria and Procedures—Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Criteria and Procedures—Interim Emissions in Areas without Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Consequences of Control Strategy Implementation Plan Failures 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Requirements for Adoption or Approval of Projects by Other Recipients of Funds Designated Under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Laws 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Pollutant Emissions—General Requirements 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Pollutant Emissions—Analysis in Serious, Severe, and Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Areas and Serious Carbon Monoxide Areas 11/23/1998 3/20/2000, 65 FR 14873 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Pollution Emissions—Two-Year Grace Period for Regional Emissions Analysis Requirements in Certain Ozone and Co Areas 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Pollutant Emissions—Areas Which are not Serious, Severe or Extreme Ozone Nonattainment Areas or Serious Carbon Monoxide Areas 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Pollutant Emissions—PM10 from Construction-Related Fugitive Dust 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation—Related Pollutant Emissions—PM2.5 from Construction—Related Fugitive Dust 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-Related Pollutant Emissions—Reliance on Previous Regional Emissions Analysis 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169
Code of Federal Regulations 422 Procedures for Determining Localized CO, PM10, and PM2.5 Concentrations (Hot-Spot Analysis) 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Using the Motor Vehicle Emissions Budget in the SIP (or Implementation Plan Submission) 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Enforceability of Design Concept and Scope and Project-Level Mitigation and Control Measures 9/1/2007 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Exemptions 6/1/2009 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Traffic Signal Synchronization Projects 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Special Exemptions from Conformity Requirements for Pilot Program Areas 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169 Savings Provision 10/15/2005 4/23/2010, 75 FR 21169
EPA Approved Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, NM Regulations
State citation Title/subject State approval/effective date EPA approval date Explanation
Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, Air Quality Control Regulations
Section 21 Permit Fees 01/23/79 04/10/80, 45 FR 24460
New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) Title 20—Environment Protection, Chapter 11—Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board
Part 1 (20.11.1 NMAC) General Provisions 09/07/04 7/21/05, 70 FR 41963
Part 3 (20.11.3 NMAC) Transportation Conformity 12/17/08 4/22/10, 75 FR 20922
Part 4 (20.11.4 NMAC) General Conformity 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 5 (20.11.5 NMAC) Visible Air Contaminants 01/01/03 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 6 (20.11.6 NMAC) Emergency Action Plan 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 7 (20.11.7 NMAC) Variance Procedure 09/07/04 05/31/06, 71 FR 30805
Part 8 (20.11.8 NMAC) Ambient Air Quality Standards 09/07/04 05/31/06, 71 FR 30805
Part 20 (20.11.20 NMAC) Fugitive Dust Control 3/17/2008 April 1, 2009, 74 FR 14731
Part 21 (20.11.21 NMAC) Open Burning 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 22 (20.11.22 NMAC) Woodburning 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 40 (20.11.40 NMAC) Source Registration 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 41 (20.11.41 NMAC) Authority to Construct 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 43 (20.11.43 NMAC) Stack Height Requirements 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 49 (20.11.49 NMAC) Excess Emissions 9/23/09 2/4/10, 75 FR 5698
Part 60 (20.11.60) Permitting in Nonattainment Areas 12/14/05 4/26/07, 72 FR 20728
Part 61 (20.11.61) Prevention of Significant Deterioration 12/14/05 4/26/07, 72 FR 20728
Part 63 (20.11.63 NMAC) New Source Performance Standards for Stationary Sources 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 64 (20.11.64 NMAC) Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Sources 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 65 (20.11.65 NMAC) Volatile Organic Compounds 9/23/09 2/4/10, 75 FR 5698
Part 66 (20.11.66 NMAC) Process Equipment 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 67 (20.11.67 NMAC) Equipment, Emissions, Limitations 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
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Part 68 (20.11.68 NMAC) Incinerators and Crematories 04/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
Part 90 (20.11.90 NMAC) Source Surveillance, Administration and Enforcement 9/23/09 2/4/10, 75 FR 5698
Part 100 (20.11.100 NMAC) Motor Vehicle Inspection—Decentralized 09/07/04 7/21/05, 70 FR 41963
Part 102 (20.11.102 NMAC) Oxygenated Fuels 12/11/2005 2/11/2010, 75 FR 6813
Part 103 (20.11.103 NMAC) Motor Vehicle Visible Emissions 10/01/02 12/30/04, 69 FR 78314
(d) EPA-approved State Source-specific requirements.
EPA-Approved New Mexico Source-Specific Requirements
Name of source Permit number State approval/effective date EPA approval date Explanation
(e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions.
EPA Approved New Mexico Statutes in the Current New Mexico SIP
State citation Title/subject State Approval/effectivedate EPA approval date Comments
NMSA 1978—New Mexico Statutes in the Current New Mexico SIP
74-1-4 Environmental Improvement Board—Creation—Organization 04/20/90 June 1, 1999
74-2-1 Short Title 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-2 Definitions 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-3 State Air Pollution Control Agency 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-4 Municipal or County Air Quality Control Board 04/20/90 June 1, 1999
74-2-5 Duties and Powers of Board 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-6 Adoption of Regulations Notice and Hearings 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-7 Permits 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-8 Variances 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-9 Variances—Judicial Review 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-10 Emergency Procedure 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-11 Confidential Information 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-11.1 Limitations on Regulations 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-12 Enforcement 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-13 Inspection 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-14 Penalties 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-15 Additional Means of Enforcement 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-15.1 Primary Nonferrous Smelter Orders 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-16 Declaratory Judgement of Regulation 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
74-2-17 Continuing Effect of Present Laws, Rules, and Regulations 08/11/83 11/02/84, 49 FR 44101
Article 16, Sections 10-16-1 through 10-16-16 New Mexico Conflict of Interest Act 07/16/90 June 1, 1999
Article 16, Supplemental New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board Code of Conduct 07/16/90 June 1, 1999