52.1520—Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan for New Hampshire under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410 and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards or other requirements under the Clean Air Act.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to August 18, 2009, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as submitted by the state to EPA, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries for paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after August 18, 2009, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 1 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of August 18, 2009.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, New England Regional Office, One Congress Street, Suite 1100, Boston, MA 02114-2023; Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). If you wish to obtain materials from the EPA Regional Office, please call (617) 918-1668; for materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket at (202) 566-1742. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
EPA-Approved New Hampshire Regulations
State citation Title/subject State effective date EPA approval date1 Explanations
Env-A 100 Organizational Rules: Definitions 12/24/1990 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 Sections Env-A 101.21; .27; .33; .51; .53; .58; .63; .98; and Parts Env-A 102 and 103 are not part of the approved SIP.
Env-A 200 Procedural Rules 7/23/2001 10/28/2002, 67 FR 65710 Parts Env-A 206; 208; and Sections Env-A 209.01 through 209.04 are not part of the approved SIP.
Env-A 300 Ambient Air Quality Standards 4/21/1989 8/19/1994, 59 FR 42766 Part Env-A 304 is not part of the approved SIP.
Env-A 400 Sulfur Content Limits in Fuels 12/24/1990 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 Section Env-A 405.05 (c) and (d); and Part Env-A 406 are not part of the SIP.
Env-A 600 Statewide Permit System 7/23/2001 10/28/2002, 67 FR 65710 Sections Env-A 603.02(p), 603.03(f) and 603.03(g) are not part of the SIP. Parts Env-A 615 through 621 are not part of the SIP. Sections Env-A 622.01(a)(2)(a) and 622.01(a)(2)(b); 622.03; 622.04(a) through 622.04(c); 622.05; 622.07 and 623.02 are not part of the SIP.
Env-A 700 Permit Fee System 12/24/1990 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 Approved Parts Env-A 701 through 705.
Env-A 800 Testing and Monitoring Procedures 8/21/1995 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 Approved Parts Env-A 801 through 807.
Env-A 900 Owner or Operator Obligations 8/21/1995 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 Approved Sections Env-A 901 through 903.
Env-A 1000 Prevention, Abatement, and Control of Open Source Air Pollution 5/19/1989 8/19/1994, 59 FR 42766 Approved Part Env-A 1001.
Env-A 1200 Prevention, Abatement, and Control of Stationary Source Air Pollution 8/21/1995 7/23/2002, 67 FR 48033 Approved Parts Env-A 1201 through 1208; and 1211. Approval of 1201.05 shall not be construed to supersede New Source Performance Standards; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; and the regulations controlling emissions from major new or modified stationary sources in attainment and non-attainment areas.
Env-A 1500 Conformity of General Federal Actions 4/19/1996 8/16/1999, 64 FR 44417 Approved Part Env-A 1502.
Env-A 3200 NOx Budget Trading Program 7/27/1998 11/14/2000, 65 FR 68078 Approved Parts Env-A 3201 through 3218.
Env-A 3600 National Low Emission Vehicle (National LEV) Program 7/21/1999 3/9/2000, 65 FR 12476 Approved Parts Env-A 3601 through 3603
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NHCAR, Part Saf-C 3221A Emission Amendments to Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Requirements. 11/17/1998 1/10/2001, 66 FR 1868 Part Saf-C 3221A “Emission Amendments to Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Requirements” adopted on November 17, 1998.
NHCAR, Part Saf-C 5800 Roadside Diesel Opacity Inspection Program Rules 11/17/1998 1/10/2001, 66 FR 1868 Part Saf-C 5800 “Roadside Diesel Opacity Inspection Program Rules” adopted on November 17, 1998.
1 In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for the particular provision.
(d) EPA-approved State Source specific requirements.
EPA-Approved New Hampshire Source Specific Requirements
Name of source Permit No. State effective date EPA approval date 2 Additional explanations/§ 52.1535 citation
The James River—Berlin/Gorham, Inc. Berlin, NH 5/2/1984 9/27/1984, 49 FR 38104 See 52.1535(c)(33). Administrative order issued May 2, 1984 to the James River Corporation.
Operating limits for boilers at Dartmouth College Permit Number PO-B-1501, condition 5 1/6/1986 2/2/1987, 52 FR 3117 See 52.1535(c)(35).
Operating limits for boilers at Dartmouth College Permit Number PO-B-1502, condition 5 1/6/1986 2/2/1987, 52 FR 3117 See 52.1535(c)(35).
Operating limits for boilers at Dartmouth College Permit No. PO-B-1503, condition 5 1/6/1986 2/2/1987, 52 FR 3117 See 52.1535(c)(35).
Operating limits for boilers at Dartmouth College Temporary Permit TP-B-150, condition 2, 3 and 4 1/6/1986 2/2/1987, 52 FR 3117 See 52.1535(c)(35).
The James River Corporation, Groveton, NH Permit Number PO-B-1550, Conditions 5B, 5C, and 5D 9/6/1985 12/14/1987, 52 FR 47392 See 52.1535(c)(38). The air permit conditions limit sulfur-in-fuel content to 2.2% sulfur by weight at the James River Corporation, Groveton, NH.
The James River Corporation, Groveton, NH Permit Number PO-B-213, Conditions 2 and 5A 9/6/1985 12/14/1987, 52 FR 47392 See 52.1535(c)(38). The air permit conditions limit sulfur-in-fuel content to 2.2% sulfur by weight at the James River Corporation, Groveton, NH.
The James River Corporation, Groveton, NH Permit No. PO-B-214, Conditions 2 and 5A 9/6/1985 12/14/1987, 52 FR 47392 See 52.1535(c)(38). The air permit conditions limit sulfur-in-fuel content to 2.2% sulfur by weight at the James River Corporation, Groveton, NH.
The James River Corporation, Groveton, NH Permit No. PO-B-215, Conditions 2 and 5A 9/6/1985 12/14/1987, 52 FR 47392 See 52.1535(c)(38). The air permit conditions limit sulfur-in-fuel content to 2.2% sulfur by weight at the James River Corporation, Groveton, NH.
The James River Corporation, Groveton, NH Permit No. PO-BP-2240, Condition 5B 9/6/1985 12/14/1987, 52 FR 47392 See 52.1535(c)(38). The air permit conditions limit sulfur-in-fuel content to 2.2% sulfur by weight at the James River Corporation, Groveton, NH.
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Source specific NOX RACT order for Groveton Paperboard Corp., Groveton, NH Order ARD-95-001 5/10/1995 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(50).
Source specific NOX RACT order for Plymouth Cogeneration Ltd. Partnership, Plymouth, NH Order ARD-95-002 9/12/1995 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(50).
Source specific NOX RACT order for Waterville Valley Ski Area Ltd., Waterville Valley, NH Order ARD-95-003 9/19/1995 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(50).
VOC RACT for L.W. Packard and Company, Inc. Ashland, NH Order ARD-94-001 5/5/1995 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
VOC RACT for Kalwall Corporation, Manchester, NH Order ARD-95-010 9/10/1996 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
VOC RACT for Textile Tapes Corporation, Gonic, NH Order ARD-96-001 10/4/1996 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
Source specific NOX RACT order for Public Service of New Hampshire, Bow, NH Order ARD-97-001 4/14/1997 5/13/1998, 63 FR 26455 See 52.1535(c)(54).
Source specific NOX RACT order for Hampshire Chemical Corporation, Nashua, NH Order ARD-95-011 5/6/1997 5/13/1998, 63 FR 26455 See 52.1535(c)(54).
Source specific NOX RACT order for Crown Vantage, Berlin, NH Order ARD-97-003 9/24/1997 5/13/1998, 63 FR 26455 See 52.1535(c)(54).
Source-specific NOX RACT order and discrete emission reduction protocols for Public Service of New Hampshire Order ARD-98-001 7/17/1998 11/14/2000, 65 FR 68078 See 52.1535(c)(64).
VOC RACT for Anheuser-Busch, Merrimack, NH Order ARD-00-001 4/15/2002 7/23/2002, 67 FR 48033 See 52.1535(c)(68).
2 In order to determine the EPA effective date for a specific provision listed in this table, consult the Federal Register notice cited in this column for the particular provision.
(e) Nonregulatory.
New Hampshire NonRegulatory
Name of nonregulatory SIP provision Applicable geographic or nonattainment area State submittal date/effective date EPA approved date 3 Explanations
“State of New Hampshire Implementation Plan” Statewide 1/27/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842 The plan was officially submitted on January 27, 1972.
Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan correcting minor deficiencies Statewide 2/23/1972 7/27/1972, 37 FR 15080 See 52.1535(c)(1).
Non-regulatory provisions for retention and availability of air quality data Statewide 3/23/1972 7/27/1972, 37 FR 15080 See 52.1535(c)(2).
Attainment dates of national primary and secondary air quality standards Statewide 8/8/1972 9/22/1972, 37 FR 19806 See 52.1535(c)(3).
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Compliance schedules Statewide 2/14/1973 6/20/1973, 38 FR 16144 See 52.1535(c)(5).
Compliance schedules Statewide 3/22/1973 6/20/1973, 38 FR 16144 See 52.1535(c)(6).
Revision exempting steam locomotives from the plan Statewide 4/3/1973 12/14/1973, 38 FR 34476 See 52.1535(c)(7).
AQMA identification material Statewide 5/20/1974 6/2/1975, 40 FR 23746 See 52.1535(c)(9).
Attainment plans to meet the requirements of Part D for carbon monoxide for Metropolitan Manchester and ozone for AQCR 121, programs for the review of construction and operation of new and modified major stationary sources of pollution in both attainment and non-attainment areas and certain miscellaneous provisions Statewide 5/29/1979 4/11/1980, 45 FR 24869 See 52.1535(c)(12).
November 6, 1979 letter from New Hampshire Assistant Attorney General Statewide 11/6/1979 4/11/1980, 45 FR 24869 See 52.1535(c)(12).
March 17, 1980 letter addressing external emission offsets Statewide 3/17/1980 4/11/1980, 45 FR 24869 See 52.1535(c)(12).
Attainment plans to meet the requirements of Part D for total suspended particulates and sulfur dioxide in Berlin, NH Areas designated non-attainment for one or more pollutants 9/19/1979 6/23/1980, 45 FR 41942 See 52.1535(c)(13).
A plan to provide comprehensive public participation and an analysis of the effects of the New Hampshire 1979 SIP revisions Statewide 2/28/1980 9/9/1980, 45 FR 59313 See 52.1535(c)(15).
A comprehensive air quality monitoring plan, intended to meet requirements of 40 CFR Part 58 Statewide 1/30/80 12/18/1980, 45 FR 83227 See 52.1535(c)(17).
A plan to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead and to amend the state's air quality standards Statewide 4/15/1980 7/15/1981, 46 FR 36699 See 52.1535(c)(18).
A letter further explaining the state procedures for review of new major sources of lead emissions and confirming the use of reference methods Statewide 12/9/1980 7/15/1981, 46 FR 36699 See 52.1535(c)(18).
Revisions to meet the requirements of Part D and certain other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended, for attaining carbon monoxide standards in the City of Manchester City of Manchester 1/12/1981 1/7/1982, 47 FR 763 See 52.1535(c)(19). These revisions supplement the 1979 CO attainment plan.
Revision to the January 12, 1981 CO Attainment Plan for Manchester, NH City of Manchester 2/18/1981 1/7/1982, 47 FR 763 See 52.1535(c)(19).
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Carbon monoxide attainment plan revisions for the City of Manchester which meet the requirements of Part D of the Act for 1982 SIP revisions City of Manchester 10/5/1982 6/27/1983, 48 FR 29479 See 52.1535 (c)(23).
Revision to the October 5, 1982 CO Attainment Plan for Manchester, NH City of Manchester 12/20/1982 6/27/1983, 48 FR 29479 See 52.1535(c)(23).
The TSP Plan to attain primary standards in Berlin, New Hampshire Berlin, NH 5/9/1984 9/27/1984, 49 FR 38104 See 52.1535(c)(33).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Commission submitting revisions to the SIP Statewide 4/26/1985 9/17/1987, 52 FR 35081 See 52.1535(c)(37).
Letter interpreting NH's regulation for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Statewide 1/20/1986 9/17/1987, 52 FR 35081 See 52.1535(c)(37).
NH Letter of intent to implement applicable emission limits required by EPA's New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) Statewide 5/12/1987 9/17/1987, 52 FR 35081 See 52.1535(c)(37).
Letter submitting a revision to the CO Attainment Plan for the City of Nashua, NH Nashua and 11 surrounding towns 9/12/1985 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39). Attainment plans for carbon monoxide for the City of Nashua including an extension of the attainment date to December 31, 1990.
Narrative submittals, including an attainment demonstration for carbon monoxide for the City of Nashua Nashua and 11 surrounding towns 2/26/1985 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39).
Letter identifying extensions to the Nashua intersection-specific measures (Build I) Nashua and 11 surrounding area 12/3/1985 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39).
Letter submitting final motor vehicle emissions inspection (I&M) program for the Nashua, NH area Nashua and 11 surrounding towns 10/7/1986 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39).
Letter from Governor John H. Sununu to Michael R. Deland committing to take legislative measures to convert the Inspection/Maintenance program in the Nashua area to the use of computerized emission analyzers in the event that the program is found to not be achieving the necessary emission reductions Nashua and 11 surrounding towns 3/6/1987 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39).
Letter from NH DES, Air Resources Division providing additional information on Nashua intersection-specific traffic flow improvements in Nashua, NH CO Attainment Plan Nashua and 11 surrounding towns 5/12/1987 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39).
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Letter from NH DES, Air Resources Division submitting additions to the Nashua, NH CO Attainment Plan Nashua and 11 surrounding towns 10/15/1987 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32391 See 52.1535(c)(39).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated July 6, 1989 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 7/6/1989 8/19/1994, 59 FR 42766 See 52.1535(c)(40).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated February 12, 1991 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 2/12/1991 8/14/1991, 56 FR 40252 See 52.1535(c)(41).
Nonregulatory portions of the State submittal Statewide 2/12/1991 8/14/1991, 56 FR 40252 See 52.1535(c)(41).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated November 21, 1989 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 11/21/1989 6/13/1991, 56 FR 27197 See 52.1535(c)(43).
Letter from Robert W. Varney, Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Services of New Hampshire, to John B. Hammond, Acting Director of the New Hampshire Office of Legislative Services, dated November 15, 1989, adopting final rules Statewide 11/21/1989 6/13/1991, 56 FR 27197 See 52.1535(c)(43).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated September 12, 1990 submitting a revision to the NH SIP that withdraws nine source-specific operating permits incorporated by reference at 40 CFR 52.1535(c)(21), (c)(25) and (c)(32) Statewide 9/12/1990 12/12/1991, 56 FR 64703 See 52.1535(c)(44).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated July 2, 1991 submitting documentation of a public hearing Statewide 7/2/1991 12/12/1991, 56 FR 64703 See 52.1535(c)(44).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated February 12, 1991 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 2/12/1991 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 See 52.1535(c)(45).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated May 7, 1991 withdrawing certain portion of the February 12, 1991 SIP submittal Statewide 5/7/1991 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 See 52.1535(c)(45).
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Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated August 20, 1991 withdrawing certain portion of the February 12, 1991 SIP submittal Statewide 8/20/1991 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 See 52.1535(c)(45).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated August 26, 1991 withdrawing certain portion of the February 12, 1991 SIP submittal Statewide 8/26/1991 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 See 52.1535(c)(45).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated March 6, 1992 withdrawing certain portion of the February 12, 1991 SIP submittal Statewide 3/6/1992 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 See 52.1535(c)(45).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated May 6, 1992 withdrawing certain portion of the February 12, 1991 SIP submittal Statewide 5/6/1992 8/14/1992, 57 FR 36603 See 52.1535(c)(45).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated May 15, 1992 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 5/15/1992 1/19/1993, 58 FR 4902 See 52.1535(c)(46). Revisions to the SIP consisting of amendments to Emission Control Methods for Cutback and Emulsified Asphalt.
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated May 15, 1992 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 5/15/1992 5/25/1993, 58 FR 29973 See 52.1535(c)(47).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated December 21, 1992, submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 12/21/1992 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(49).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated June 17, 1994 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 6/17/1994 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(49).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated July 7, 1995 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 7/7/1995 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(50).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated September 18, 1995 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 9/18/1995 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(50).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated October 18, 1995, submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 10/18/1995 4/9/1997, 62 FR 17087 See 52.1535(c)(50).
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Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated December 9, 1996 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Gonic, NH 12/9/1996 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated June 28, 1996 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 6/28/1996 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated October 24, 1996 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Manchester, NH 10/24/1996 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated July 10, 1995 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 7/10/1995 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated December 21, 1992 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 12/21/1992 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
Letter dated November 21, 1997 withdrawing Env-A 1204.06 from the SIP submittal Statewide 11/21/1997 3/10/1998, 63 FR 11600 See 52.1535(c)(51).
NH-DES letter dated December 13, 1994, and signed by Thomas M. Noel, Acting Director, NH DES Statewide 12/13/1994 10/27/1997, 62 FR 55521 See 52.1535(c)(52).
State of New Hampshire Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations—Network Plan—Network Overview Statewide 12/13/1994 10/27/1997, 62 FR 55521 See 52.1535(c)(52).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated August 29, 1996 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester serious ozone nonattainment area, and the NH portion of the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester serious ozone nonattainment area 8/29/1996 10/27/1997, 62 FR 55521 See 52.1533. Revisions to the SIP for the purpose of satisfying the rate-of-progress requirement of section 182(b) and the contingency measure requirement of section 172(c)(9) of the Clean Air Act.
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated April 14, 1997 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 4/14/1997 5/13/1998, 63 FR 26455 See 52.1535(c)(54).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated May 6, 1997 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Nashua, NH 5/6/1997 5/13/1998, 63 FR 26455 See 52.1535(c)(54).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated September 24, 1997 submitting revisions to the NH SIP Statewide 9/24/1997 5/13/1998, 63 FR 26455 See 52.1535(c)(54).
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Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated July 27, 1998 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 7/27/1998 11/14/2000, 65 FR 68078 See 52.1535(c)(57).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated November 24, 1992 submitting a revision to the New Hampshire State Implementation Plan Statewide 11/24/1992 12/7/1998, 63 FR 67405 See 52.1535(c)(58).
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services “Stage II Equivalency Demonstration,” dated November 1992 Statewide 11/24/1992 12/7/1998, 63 FR 67405 See 52.1535(c)(58).
Nonregulatory portions of the submittal Statewide 7/2/1993 12/7/1998, 63 FR 67405 See 52.1535(c)(58). NH's Gasoline Vapor Recovery Testing Procedures and Inspection Manual.
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated November 20, 1998 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 11/20/1998 1/10/2001, 66 FR 1868 See 52.1535(c)(59).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated September 4, 1998 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 9/4/1998 1/10/2001, 66 FR 1868 See 52.1535(c)(59).
Document entitled “Alternative New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Inspection/Maintenance State Implementation Plan Revision” dated September 4, 1998 Statewide 9/4/1998 1/10/2001, 66 FR 1868 See 52.1535(c)(59).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated August 6, 2001 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 8/9/2001 10/28/2002, 67 FR 65710 See 52.1535(c)(60).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated April 26, 1995 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 4/26/1995 10/28/2002, 67 FR 65710 See 52.1535(c)(60).
Nonregulatory portions of the State submittal. Statewide 4/26/1995 10/28/2002, 67 FR 65710 See 52.1535(c)(60).
Document entitled “New Hampshire Stage II Comparability Analysis,” prepared by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, dated July 1, 1998 Statewide 7/9/1998 9/29/1999, 64 FR 52434. See 52.1535(c)(61).
Letter from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services dated June 7, 1994 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 6/7/1994 9/29/1999, 64 FR 52434. See 52.1535(c)(62).
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Document entitled “Clean Fuel Fleet Equivalency Demonstration,” prepared by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, dated May, 1994 Statewide 6/7/1994 9/29/1999, 64 FR 52434. See 52.1535(c)(62).
Letter from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services dated July 10, 1996 submitting a revision to the NH SIP Statewide 7/10/1996 8/16/1999, 64 FR 44417 See 52.1535(c)(63).
Letter from the New Hampshire Air Resources Division dated July 17, 1998 submitting Final RACT Order 98-001 as a revision to the NH SIP S