52.1190—Original Identification of plan section.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Michigan” and all revisions submitted by Michigan that were federally approved prior to August 1, 2006.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on February 3, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Re-evaluation of control strategies for Berrien and Ingham Counties were submitted on March 3, 1972, by the State Air Pollution Office.
(2) Amendments to the Michigan air pollution rules for the control of SO2 emissions ( Part 3) and the prevention of air pollution episodes ( Part 6) submitted by the Governor on March 30, 1972.
(3) An amendment to the Grand Rapids air pollution ordinance ( section 9.35 and section 9.36) was submitted on May 4, 1972, by the Grand Rapids Department of Environmental Protection.
(4) Reasons and justifications concerning general requirements of control strategy for nitrogen dioxide, compliance schedules, and review of new sources and modifications submitted on July 12, 1972, by the Governor.
(5) A letter from the State Department of Public Health submitted on July 24, 1972, described how emissions data would be made available to the public.
(6) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources on February 16, 1973.
(7) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources on May 4, 1973.
(8) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources on September 19, 1973.
(9) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources on October 23, 1973.
(10) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources on December 13, 1973.
(11) Air Quality Maintenance Area identifications were submitted on June 27, 1974, by the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
(12) Air Quality Maintenance Area identifications were submitted on October 18, 1974, by the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
(13) Provisions to disapprove an installation permit if the applicant source would interfere with the attainment or maintenance of national air quality standards were submitted by the Governor on January 25, 1974.
(14) Order extending the final compliance dates for meeting the sulfur dioxide emission limitation was submitted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for the Karn, Weadock and Cobb Plant Units of the Consumers Power Co.
(15) Order extending compliance date for meeting the sulfur dioxide emission limitation was submitted by the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources for the Detroit Edison Company, Monroe County Plant on December 12, 1977.
(16) On April 25, 1979, the State submitted its nonattainment area plan for areas designated nonattainment as of March 3, 1978 and as revised on October 5, 1978. This submittal contained Michigan's Part D attainment plans for particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, transportation and new source review, plus a copy of Michigan's existing and proposed regulations. USEPA is not taking action at this time to include in the federally approved SIP certain portions of the submittal: Provisions in R 336.1310 concerning open burning; 336.1331, insofar as it may pertain to process sources in the iron and steel category and site specific revisions; 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356 and 1357 as they pertain to specific iron and steel source operations; Part 5, Extension of Sulfur Dioxide Compliance Date for Power Plants Past January 1, 1980; Part 7, Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—New Sources of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions; R336.1701-1710 controlling minor sources of volatile organic compounds; Part 11, Continuous Emission Monitoring; Part 13, Air Pollution Episodes; Part 16, Organization and Procedures; and Part 17, Hearings.
(17) On October 12, 1979, the State submitted comments and commitments in response to USEPA's notice of proposed rulemaking.
(18) On January 9, 1980, the State submitted a copy of the finally adopted rules of the Commission. These rules became fully effective on January 18, 1980. These finally adopted rules are identical to the rules submitted on April 25, 1979, as part of Michigan's Part D nonattainment area plan except for a modification in the numbering system. Paragraph (c)(16) of this subpart identifies those rules on which USEPA has not taken action.
(19) On February 6, 1980, the State submitted the visible emission test method for stationary sources referenced in Rule 336.1303 as being on file with the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. On March 7, 1980, the State submitted clarifications to the visible emissions test method.
(20) On March 31, 1980, the State submitted revisions to the conditional approval schedules for total suspended particulates.
(21) On July 25, 1979, the State submitted the official ozone attainment plan as part of the State Implementation Plan.
(22) On October 26, 1979, the State submitted comments and revisions to the transportation plans and vehicle inspection/maintenance portions of the State Implementation Plan for ozone in response to USEPA's notice of proposed rulemaking ( 45 FR 47350 ).
(23) On November 8, 1979, the State submitted revisions to the ozone attainment plan.
(24) On December 26, 1979, the State submitted comments and additional information from the lead local agencies on the transportation control plans for the Flint, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Detroit urban areas.
(25) On May 12, 1980, the State submitted corrections and comments in response to USEPA's notice of proposed rulemaking ( 45 FR 25087 ).
(26) On March 20, 1980, the State submitted commitments and additional revisions to the Inspection/Maintenance program for the Detroit urban area.
(27) On February 23, 1979, compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources to USEPA for the Detroit Edison, St. Clair Power Plant. Additional material concerning the Final Order issued to the Detroit Edison, St. Clair Power Plant was submitted on June 17, 1979 and August 14, 1979.
(28) On August 22, 1979, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA an Administrative Order, for the Lansing Board of Water and Light (Order No. 4-1979, adopted May 23, 1979). In letters dated February 13, 1980 and April 1, 1980, the State of Michigan withdrew certain paragraphs (sections A, B, C1, D, E, F, and G) of the Order from consideration by USEPA.
(29) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources to USEPA on October 26, 1979, for the Dundee Cement Company, Monroe County (Michigan Final Order, APC No. 08-1979, adopted October 17, 1979).
(30) On July 26, 1979, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA a revision to Rule 336.49 for the Consumers Power Company's J. H. Campbell Plant. The revision is a Final Order (No. 05-1979) extending the compliance date until January 1, 1985 for the Campbell Plant to meet the sulfur dioxide emission limitations in Rule 336.49. On February 14, 1980, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA an amendment to Order No. 05-1979.
(31) Compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources to USEPA on November 13, 1979, for the S. D. Warren Company, Muskegon County (Michigan Final Order, No. 09-1979, adopted October 31, 1979).
(32) On December 19, 1979, the State of Michigan submitted a revision to provide for modification of the existing air quality surveillance network.
(33) On December 10, 1979, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA a Final Order (APC No. 6-1979) issued by the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission to the Consumers Power Company B.C. Cobb Plant. The Order requires the source to utilize 2.5% sulfur on an annual basis until January 1, 1985 when the company must meet the sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission limitation in Michigan Rule 336.1401.
(34) On January 8, 1980, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA a Final Order (APC No. 14-1979) requested of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission (MAPCC) by the Union Camp Corporation in Monroe County, Michigan. The Order permitted the Union Camp Corporation to burn 2.7% sulfur fuel on an annual average and 4.0% sulfur fuel on a daily average between January 1, 1980 and July 1, 1980. Beginning July 1, 1980 until July 1, 1982 the Company is permitted to burn 2.5% sulfur fuel on an annual average and 4.0% sulfur fuel daily average. Beginning July 1, 1982 until January 1, 1985, the Company is allowed to burn 2.2% sulfur fuel annual average and 3.5% sulfur fuel daily average. After January 1, 1985; the Company has agreed to comply with the SO2 emission limitations of 1.5% sulfur fuel required in Michigan Rule 336.1401.
(35) On August 4, 1980 and August 8, 1980, the State of Michigan submitted to EPA additional information on the transportation control plan for the Niles, Michigan urbanized area.
(36) On January 10, 1980, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA a Final Order (APC No. 16-1979) issued by the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission to the Northern Michigan Electric Cooperative Advance Steam Plant. The Order allows the source to continue burning 2.0% sulfur coal (maximum daily average) until January 1, 1985 when the Company must meet the sulfur dioxide (S02) emission limitations in Michigan Rule 336.1401.
(37) On November 26, 1980, the State submitted a schedule to correct plan deficiencies cited by USEPA in its September 9, 1980 notice of proposed rulemaking on a portion of Michigan's Part D TSP control strategy pertaining to iron and steel sources. On April 1, 1981, the State submitted a revised schedule. USEPA has not taken action on the schedule submitted by the State.
(38) On April 10, 1981 the Governor of Michigan committed to annually administer and submit the questionnaire developed for the purposes of section 128.
(39) On July 28, 1980, the State of Michigan submitted to EPA, as revisions to the Michigan SIP, amendments to Rules 283 and 610 of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission.
(40) Revised compliance schedules were submitted by the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to EPA on January 14, 1981, for the Dundee Cement Company, Monroe County (Michigan Final Order, APC No. 16—1980, adopted November 19, 1980). The revised Order provides an earlier final compliance date of December 31, 1980 for reducing the particulate matter emissions to 0.20 pounds per 1,000 pounds of exhaust gases and December 31, 1981 for visible emission reductions from the Company's cement kilns.
(41) On April 25, 1979, the State submitted materials which satisfy the intergovernmental consultation process.
(42) On July 28, 1980, the State submitted an amendment to Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission Rule 221 which exempts minor sources of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide from the offset requirements.
(43) On August 25, 1981, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), submitted to EPA Consent Order No. 16-1981 for the Marathon Oil Company in Muskegon County. Consent Order No. 16-1981 satisfies USEPA's conditional approval of R336.1603 by providing detailed compliance schedules containing the increments of progress required by 40 CFR 51.15.
(44) On September 1, 1981, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) submitted to USEPA a revision to its R336.1220 requiring offsets in ozone nonattainment areas to exempt the same compounds listed in EPA's Federal Register of July 22, 1980 ( 45 FR 48941 ). The revised R336.1220 also allows offsets of emissions for new sources in any of the seven counties in the southeastern Michigan ozone nonattainment area to be obtained from any of those counties, not just the county in which the new source is locating (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, Washtenaw, Livingston, and Monroe).
(45) On May 24, 1980, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) submitted Consent Order APC No. 10-1979 for the Buick Motor Division Complex (BMDC) of the Buick Motors Division, General Motors Corporation. The BMDC is located in the City of Flint, Genesee County, a primary nonattainment area. On December 2, 1980, supplementary information was submitted by MDNR. The Consent Order contains enforceable emission limitations and control measures for the attainment of the primary TSP standards in Genesee County by December 31, 1982.
(46) On July 17, 1980, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) submitted Consent Order APC No. 01-1980 for the Grey Iron Casting Plant and the Nodular Iron Casting Plant, of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corporation. The two plants are located in Saginaw County, a primary nonattainment area. On September 5, 1980 and February 6, 1981, supplementary information was submitted by MDNR. The Consent Order contains enforceable emission limitations and control measures for the attainment of the primary TSP standards in Saginaw County by December 31, 1982.
(47) On March 4, 1981, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) submitted Consent Order APC No. 12-1980 for the New Haven Foundry located in Macomb County, a secondary nonattainment area. The Consent Order contains enforceable emission reductions to achieve the secondary TSP standards by June 30, 1985.
(48) On May 1, 1981, the State of Michigan, through the Department of Natural Resources, submitted Consent Order 07-1981 for the Detroit Edison Company, Boulevard Heating Plant located in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Under Michigan Rule 336.1331(1)(a), the plant was restricted to a particulate emission limit of 0.45 pounds of particulate per 1000 pounds flue gas or an equivalent of 410 tons per year. The Consent Order, pursuant to Michigan Rule 333.1331(1)(d), establishes a new limitation for the Boulevard Plant of 0.65 pounds per 1000 pounds of flue gas with a daily limit of 0.9 tons per day and 10 tons per year.

Code of Federal Regulations

Pursuant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 605(b) , the Administrator certified on January 27, 1981 (46 FR 8709) that the attached rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
(49) On March 7, 1980 and April 21, 1981 the State of Michigan submitted particulate studies for the Detroit area. These studies satisfy EPA's conditional approval and the State's commitment.
(50) On October 22, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted as a SIP revision Consent Order No. 17-1981, between Conoco, Inc., and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. The Consent Order establishes a compliance schedule for Conoco, Inc. to achieve the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) limitations in R336.1609 by December 31, 1982.
(51) On December 27, 1979, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), submitted to EPA a revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Lead. On February 9, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted a letter clarifying provisions of its Lead SIP. The SIP provides for the implementation of measures for controlling lead emissions for the attainment and maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards for lead in Michigan by October 31, 1982.
(52) On June 26, 1981, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources, submitted to EPA Consent Order No. 12-1981 for controlling particulate emissions from the liquid waste incinerator in Building 830 at the Dow Chemical Company's Midland plant. The Consent Order provides a schedule which establishes a final particulate emissions compliance date of October 1, 1982.
(53) On August 24, 1981, the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources, submitted to EPA Consent Order APC No. 19-1981 for controlling particulate emissions from Dow's West Side and South Side powerplants. On October 16, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted a letter to EPA clarifying specific sections intended for EPA's rulemaking action. All particulate emission sources at Dow must comply with various parts of Michigan's SIP by December 31, 1985. The Consent Order does not interfere with the attainment of the primary particulate NAAQS standard by December 31, 1982 or the secondary particulate NAAQS by October 1, 1984.
(54) On December 16, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted to EPA Consent Order APC No. 21-1981 for the Monitor Sugar Company. Consent Order APC No. 21-1981 provides for additional controls on its coal-fired boilers, 1, 2, 3, and 4 and establishes a final compliance date of October 15, 1982 for attaining the primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
(55) On January 7, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted to EPA Consent Order APC No. 23-1981 for the Traverse City Board of Light and Power. Consent Order APC No. 23-1981 limits the company's operation of its No. 1 and No. 2 coal-fired boilers after December 31, 1982; provides for additional controls on its No. 4 coal-fired boiler; and establishes a final compliance date of December 31, 1982.
(56) On September 2, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted a revision to the ozone plan consisting of RACT requirements for the control of volatile organic compound emissions from stationary industrial sources (Group II) referenced in Rules R336.1101-3, 5-9, 14-16, 18-21, 23; R336.1601, 3-4, 10, 19-27; and R336.2005.
(57) On March 3, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted a modification to its schedule for submitting by December 31, 1982 regulations developed to correct the State's deficiencies in its Part D State Implementation Plan for the attainment of the total suspended particulate air quality standards in its nonattainment areas containing iron and steel sources.
(58) On December 16, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted as a SIP revision consent order APC No. 18-1981 between General Motors Warehousing and Distribution Division and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. On March 16, 1982, Michigan submitted an amendment to consent order APC No. 18-1981. The Consent Order provides a one year extension from October 15, 1982 until October 15, 1983 for the Company's No. 1 and No. 2 boilers and establishes a compliance date of October 15, 1981, for boilers 3 and 4. The Consent Order contains a schedule for compliance which specifies emission limits of 0.45 pounds of particulate per 1,000 pounds of gas as required in Michigan's rule 336.1331(c) Table 31.
(59) [Reserved]
(60) On April 5, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted Consent Order APC No. 02-1980 along with alterations to Section 5(D) of the Consent Order for the Hayes-Albion foundry in Calhoun County. The Consent Order contains control measures beyond the present requirements of Michigan's R336.1301 and R336.1331 for Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) emissions and evaluation methods for determining significant particulate emission sources from the foundry. On June 18, 1982, the State of Michigan also submitted a Fugitive Dust Control Plan and a Malfunction Abatement Plan for the Hayes-Albion foundry. On September 21, 1982, the State of Michigan formally submitted Permits 314-79 and 375-79 for the American Colloid Plant.
(61) On March 6, 1981, the State of Michigan submitted as a SIP revision general rules for fugitive dust control. These rules were approved by the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission on January 20, 1981, and became effective at the State level on February 17, 1981. On January 25, 1982, May 3, 1982, and August 24, 1982, Michigan submitted additional information and commitments. The submittal of March 6, 1981, along with the additional information and commitments satisfies the State's commitment to submit industrial fugitive dust regulations that represent reasonably available control techniques for industrial fugitive dust sources.
(62) On July 28, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted Consent Order No. 06-1981 for the Clark Oil and Refining Corporation for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. This revision is a detailed compliance schedule containing increments of progress with a final compliance date of December 31, 1982 and an emission limitation of 0.7 pound of organic vapor per 1000 gallons of organic compound load.
(63) On September 8, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted as a SIP revision Consent Order No. 03-1982, between the Hydra-Matic Division, General Motors Corporation and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. The Consent Order establishes a compliance schedule containing increments of progress dates and a final date of November 1, 1982 for Boiler No. 5 to comply with Michigan's R336.331.
(64) On September 21, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted as a SIP revision Consent Order No. 13-1982, between the Diamond Crystal Salt and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission, the Consent Order establishes a compliance schedule containing increments of progress dates and a final date of December 18, 1982 for Boiler No. 5 to comply with Michigan's R336.331.
(65) [Reserved]
(66) On September 8, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision consent order No. 08-1982, between the General Motors, Buick Motor Division and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. The Consent Order establishes a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rule 336.1603 and 336.1610, and extends the final compliance date for surface coating operations until December 31, 1987. On November 29, 1982, and March 10, 1983, the State submitted additional information.
(67) On September 8, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted Consent Order No. 09-1982, between the General Motors, Fisher Body Division and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision. The Consent Order establishes a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emission compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rule 336.1603 and 336.1610, and extends the compliance date for surface coating operations until December 31, 1987. On November 29, 1982, and March 10, 1983, the State submitted additional information.
(68) On September 8, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision Consent Order No. 10-1982, between Chevrolet Truck Assembly and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. The Consent Order establishes a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emission compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rule 336.1603 and 336.1610, and extends the compliance date for surface coating operations until December 31, 1987. On November 29, 1982, and March 10, 1983, the State submitted additional information.
(69) On September 8, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision Consent Order No. 11-1982, between the General Motors Fisher Body Division, Fleetwood Plant and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. On March 10, 1983, the State submitted additional information for this SIP revision. The Consent Order establishes a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rules 336.1603 and 336.1610, and extends the final compliance date for surface coating operations until December 31, 1987.
(70) On September 8, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision Consent Order No. 12-1982, between the General Motors, Cadillac Motors Car Division and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. On March 10, 1983, the State submitted additional information for this SIP revision. The Consent Order establishes a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emission compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rule 336.1603 and R336.1610, and extends the compliance date for surface coating operations until December 31, 1987.
(71) On September 1, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted a request to reduce the size of the ozone demonstration area for Southeast Michigan from the seven-county area of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Livingston, Monroe, St. Clair and Washtenaw to a three-county area consisting of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties.
(72) On November 18, 1982, the State of Michigan submitted Consent Order APC No. 06-1980, along with alterations for the General Motors Corporation (GMC) Central Foundry Division, Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant in the City of Saginaw, County of Saginaw as a revision to the Michigan SIP. Consent Order No. 06-1980, as amended, reflects an interim and final particulate emission limit more stringent than Michigan's rule 336.1331; extends the final date of compliance with Michigan's Rule 336.1301 for opacity on the oil quench facilities from December 31, 1982, to December 15, 1983, which is as expeditiously as practicable and before the July 31, 1985, attainment date for the secondary TSP NAAQS in Michigan.
(73) On June 30, 1983, the State of Michigan submitted as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision. Consent Order No. 4-1983 between the General Motors Corporation's Oldsmobile Division and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. The Consent Order establishes a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rule 336.1603 and 336.1610, and extends the final compliance dates for prime, primer-surfacer, topcoat, and final repair operations until December 31, 1987.
(74) On June 30, 1983, the State of Michigan submitted as a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision. Consent Order No. 5-1983, between the General Motors Corporation's Assembly Division and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission. The Consent Order established a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emission compliance schedule as required under Michigan's Rule 336.1603 and R336.1610, and provides interim compliance limits to be achieved by December 31, 1984, and extends the final compliance dates for topcoating and final repair coating operations until December 31, 1987.
(75) On October 4, 1983, the State of Michigan submitted: (1) A revised Consent Order APC No. 12-1979 between CWC Castings Division of Textron and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission and (2) Article 14, Section J of the Muskegon County APC Rules. Consent Order APC No. 12-1979 requires reductions of point source emissions and fugitive emissions and extends the installation schedule of specified control devices to December 31, 1984. Article 14, Section J, provides a ban on open residential and leaf burning in Muskegon County. EPA approves the additional control measures contained in Consent Order APC No. 12-1979 and the open burning ban. EPA takes no action on the overall approval of Michigan's Part D secondary nonattainment area for Muskegon County.
(76) On August 24, 1983, the State of Michigan submitted a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision request for an extension of the compliance date for Boiler No. 2 for the General Motors Corporation Warehousing and Distribution Division, in Swartz Creek County. Consent Order No. 18-1981 extends the compliance date until October 15, 1985 for GMC to install mechanical collectors on Boiler No. 2.
(77) On March 8, 1984, the State of Michigan submitted a report which demonstrated that Rule 336.1606 contains emission limits equivalent to Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT) for Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties. Therefore, USEPA remove its conditional approval of Rule 336.1606 and fully approves the State's rule.
(78) On September 6, 1984, the State of Michigan submitted a revision to the Michigan State Implementation Plan for the General Motors Corporation Buick Motor Division in the form of an Alteration of Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order, No. 8-1982. The original Consent Order No. 8-1982 was federally approved on July 6, 1983. This alteration revises Consent Order No. 8-1982, in that it accelerates the final compliance dates for prime and prime-surfacer operations and extends an interim compliance date for topcoat operations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) State of Michigan, Air Pollution Control Commission, Alteration of Stipulation for Entry Consent Order and Final Order SIP No. 8-1983, which was approved by the Air Pollution Control Commission on April 2, 1984.
(B) Letter of September 6, 1984, from the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources, to EPA.
(79) On December 2, 1983, USEPA proposed to withdraw its approval of Michigan's fugitive dust regulations. On April 25, 1985, the State of Michigan submitted revised Rule 336.1371, existing Rule 336.1372, and new Rule 336.1373. However, they did not meet the requirements of Part D of section 172(b); and USEPA, therefore, withdrew its approval of these submittals, disapproved these submittals, and instituted new source restrictions for major sources in the Michigan primary Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) nonattainment areas on August 20, 1985. USEPA incorporates revised Rule 336.1371 and newly submitted Rule 336.1373 into the Michigan State Implementation Plan because they provide a framework for the development of fugitive dust control programs at the State level in Michigan. USEPA retains Rule 336.1372, which is already incorporated into the Michigan SIP, insofar as it applies to sources in TSP attainment areas. This paragraph supercedes paragraph (C)(61) of this section.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Michigan Department of Natural Resources Rules 336.1371 and 336.1373 (Fugitive Dust Regulations), as adopted on April 23, 1985.
(80) On July 27, 1983, the State of Michigan submitted Consent Order No. 08-1983 for the General Motors Corporation Central Foundry Division's Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant, as a revision to the Michigan State Implementation Plan for Total Suspended Particulates. Consent Order No. 08-1983 amends control strategy provisions of federally approved (November 18, 1982 and August 15, 1983) Consent Order No. 06-1980 and its alteration.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order No. 08-1983 for the General Motors Corporation Central Foundry Division's Saginaw Malleable Iron Plant amending Control Strategy Provisions issued June 9, 1983.
(81) On October 1, 1984, the State of Michigan submitted the Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order, SIP No. 12-1984, between the Consumer Power Company's J.H. Campbell and the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission as a revision to the Michigan SO2 SIP. Consent Order No. 12-1984 provides a 3-year compliance date extension (January 1, 1985, to December 31, 1987) for the J.H. Campbell Units 1 and 2 to emit SO2 at an allowable rate on a daily basis of 4.88 lbs/MMBTU in 1985, 4.78 lbs/MMBTU in 1986, and 4.68 lbs/MMBTU in 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) October 1, 1984, Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order, SIP No. 12-1984, establishing interim daily average SO2 emission limitations and quarterly average limits on percent sulfur is fuel fired.
(82) The State of Michigan submitted negative declarations for several volatile organic compound source categories, as follows:
October 10, 1983—Large petroleum dry cleaners;
May 17, 1985—High-density polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene resin manufacturers;
June 12, 1985—Synthetic organic chemical manufacturing industry sources (SOCMI) oxidation.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letters dated October 10, 1983, May 17, 1985, and June 12, 1985, from Robert P. Miller, Chief, Air Quality Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The letter dated June 12, 1985, includes pages 2-119 and 2-120 from the revised 1982 Air Quality Implementation Plan for Ozone and Carbon Monoxide in Southeast Michigan.
(83) On September 16, 1985, the State of Michigan submitted a SIP revision requesting alternate opacity limits for the Packaging Corporation of America (PCA) bark boiler. The request is in the form of a Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order (No. 23-1984). The Consent Order contains an extended schedule for the PCA's bark boiler to comply with Michigan's Rule 336.1301.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order No. 23-1984 for the Packaging Corporation of America, approved on July 8, 1985.
(84) On April 29, 1986, the State of Michigan submitted a revision to the Michigan State Implementation Plan (SIP) for total suspended particulates (TSP). The revision, in the form of Air Pollution Control Act (APCA) No. 65, revises the State's 1965 APCA No. 348 contained in the TSP portion of the Michigan SIP with respect to: car ferries having the capacity to carry more than 110 motor vehicles; and coal-fired trains used in connection with tourism.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Act No. 65 of the Public Acts of 1986, as approved by the Governor of Michigan on March 30, 1986.
(85) On April 25, 1979, the State of Michigan submitted as revisions to the Air Quality Implementation Plan, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Air Pollution Control Commission General Rules for Open Burning; Continuous Emission Monitoring; Air Pollution Episodes; Organization, Operation and Procedures; and Hearings.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) R 336.1310, Open Burning, effective January 18, 1980.
(B) R 336.2101-3, R 336.2150-5, R 336.336-2159, R 336.2170, R336.2175-6, R 336.2189-90, and R 336.2199; Continuous Emission Monitoring, effective January 18, 1980.
(C) R 336.2301-8, Air Pollution Episodes, effective January 18, 1980.
(D) R 336.2601-8, Organization, Operating, and Procedures, effective January 18, 1980.
(E) R 336.2701-6, Hearings, effective January 18, 1980.
(86) On May 25, 1988, the State of Michigan submitted an SIP revision in the form of an addendum to the State's Rule 336.1122, effective at the State level on May 20, 1988. The amendment will allow coating companies to exclude methyl chloroform from the VOC emission calculation when it is not technically or economically reasonable. This exemption applies only to the surface coating operations that are subject to Part 6 (Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—Existing Sources of VOC Emissions) or Part 7 (Emission Limitations and Prohibitions—New Sources of VOC Emissions) of the State's regulations.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) R336.1122, Methyl Chloroform; effective at the State level on May 20, 1988.
(87) -(89) [Reserved]
(90) On December 17, 1987, the State of Michigan submitted to USEPA a revision to the Michigan State Implementation Plan for the Continental Fiber Drum, Inc., which limits volatile organic compound emissions from the surface coating operations at the facility.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) State of Michigan, Air Pollution Control Commission, Stipulation for Entry of Consent Order and Final Order No. 14-1987, which was adopted by the State on December 9, 1987.
(B) Letter of December 17, 1987, from the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources to USEPA.
(91) On May 17, 1985, the State submitted revised rules for the control of particulate matter from iron and steel sources and from other sources in Michigan. These rules were submitted to fulfill conditions of USEPA's May 22, 1981, approval ( 46 FR 27923 of the State's part D total suspended particulates (TSP) State Implementation Plan (SIP). USEPA is approving these revised rules in the Michigan submittal except for the following provisions: The quench tower limit in rule 336.1331, Table 31, Section C.8, because allowing water quality limits to apply only to makeup water is a relaxation; the deletion of the limit in rule 336.1331 for coke oven coal preheater equipment, because it is a relaxation, and rule 336.1355, because it provides an unlimited exemption for emissions from emergency relief valves in coke oven gas collector mains.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revision to parts 1, 3, and 10 of Michigan's administrative rules for air pollution control (Act 348 of 1967, as amended) as adopted by the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission on December 18, 1984. These rules became effective in Michigan on February 22, 1985.
(92) On October 10, 1986, the State of Michigan supported portions of the revised Wayne County Air Pollution Control Division Air Pollution Control Ordinance as approved by Wayne County on September 19, 1985, as a revision to the Michigan State Implementation Plan.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5 (except for the portions of Chapter 5, section 501, of the Wayne County Ordinance which incorporate by reference the following parts of the State rules: The quench tower limit in Rule 336.1331, Table 31, Section C.8; the deletion of the limit in Rule 336.1331 for coke oven coal preheater equipment; and Rule 336.1355), 8 (except section 802 ), 9, 11, 12, 13 and appendices A and D of the Wayne County Air Pollution Control Division (WCAPCD) Air Pollution Control Ordinance as approved by WCAPCD on September 19, 1985.
(93) On November 16, 1992, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources submitted Natural Resources Commission Rule 336.202 (Rule 2), Sections 5 and 14a of the 1965 Air Pollution Act 348, and the 1991 Michigan Air Pollution Reporting Forms, Reference Tables, and General Instructions as the States emission statement program. Natural Resources Commission Rule 336.202 (Rule 2) became effective November 11, 1986. Section 5 and 14a of the 1965 Air Pollution Act 348 became effective July 23, 1965.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Natural Resources Commission Rule 336.202 (Rule 2) became effective November 11, 1986. Section 5 and 14a of the 1965 Air Pollution Act 348 became effective July 23, 1965.
(94) On November 13, 1992, January 8, 1993, and November 12, 1993, the State of Michigan submitted a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Assistance Program for incorporation in the Michigan State Implementation Plan as required by section 507 of the Clean Air Act.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Small Business Clean Air Assistance Act, Act No. 12, Public Acts of 1993, approved by the Governor on April 1, 1993, and effective upon approval.
(95) On November 15, 1993, the State of Michigan requested revision to the Michigan State Implementation Plan (SIP) to incorporate miscellaneous technical rule changes that the State had made effective April 20, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Michigan Air Pollution Control Rules: R 336.1107 (except paragraph (c)); R 336.1121, R 336.1403. R 336.1606, R 336.1607, R 336.1608, R 336.1609, R 336.1616, R 336.1626 (deleted), and R 336.1705, effective April 20, 1989.
(96) Revisions to the Michigan Regulations submitted on June 12, 1993 and November 12, 1993 by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources:
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Revisions to the following provisions of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Commission General Rules filed with the Secretary of State on April 12, 1993 and effective on April 27, 1993:
(1) R 336.1101 Definitions; A—Revised definitions of the following terms: actual emissions, air-dried coating, air quality standard, allowable emissions and alternate opacity.
(2) R 336.1103 Definitions; C—Added definition of coating category. Revised definitions of the following terms: calendar day, class II hardboard paneling finish, coating line, coating of automobiles and light-duty trucks coating of fabric, coating of large appliances, coating of paper, coating of vinyl, component, component in field gas service, component in gaseous volatile organic compound service, component in heavy liquid service, component in light liquid service, component in liquid volatile organic compound service, condenser, conveyorized vapor degreaser, and creditable.
(3) R 336.1105 Definitions; E—Added definition of the term extreme environmental conditions. Revised definitions of the following terms: electrostatic prep coat, equivalent method and extreme performance coating.
(4) R 336.1116 Definitions; P—Revised definitions of the following terms: packaging rotogravure printing, printed interior panel, process unit turnaround, publication rotogravure printing and pushside. Deleted definition of the term pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing.
(5) R 336.1122 Definitions; V—Added definition of the term vapor collection system. Revised definitions of the following terms: very large precipitator and volatile organic compound.
(6) R 336.1602 General provisions for existing sources of volatile organic compound emissions (entire rule).
(7) R 336.1610 Existing coating lines; emission of volatile organic compounds from exiting automobile, light-duty truck, and other product and material coating lines (entire rule).
(8) R 336.1611 Existing cold cleaners (entire rule).
(9) R 336.1619 Perchloroethylene; emission from existing dry cleaning equipment (entire rule).
(10) R 336.1620 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing flat wood paneling coating lines (entire rule).
(11) R 336.1621 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing metallic surface coating lines (entire rule).
(12) R 336.1622 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing components of petroleum refineries; refinery monitoring program (entire rule).
(13) R 336.1623 Storage of petroleum liquids having a true vapor pressure of more than 1.0 psia, but less than 11.0 psia, in existing external floating roof stationary vessels of more than 40,000-gallon capacity (entire rule).
(14) R 336.1625 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing equipment utilized in manufacturing synthesized pharmaceutical products (entire rule).
(15) R 336.1627 Delivery vessels; vapor collection systems (entire rule).
(16) R 336.1630 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing paint manufacturing processes (entire rule).
(17) R 336.1631 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing process equipment utilized in manufacture of polystyrene or other organic resins (entire rule).
(18) R 336.1632 Emission of volatile organic compounds from existing automobile, truck, and business machine plastic part coating lines (entire rule).
(19) R 336.1702 General provisions of new sources of volatile organic compound emissions (ent