350.15—Public petitions requesting disclosure of chemical identity claimed as trade secret.
The public may request the disclosure of chemical identity claimed as trade secret by submitting a written petition to the address specified in § 350.16.
A copy of the submission in which the submitter claimed chemical identity as trade secret, with a specific indication as to which chemical identity the petitioner seeks disclosed.
Incomplete petitions. If the information contained in the petition is not sufficient to allow EPA to identify which chemical identity the petitioner is seeking to have released, EPA shall notify the petitioner that the petition cannot be further processed until additional information is furnished. EPA will make every reasonable effort to assist a petitioner in providing sufficient information for EPA to identify the chemical identity the petitioner is seeking to have released.
EPA shall make a determination on a petition requesting disclosure, in accordance with § 350.11 and § 350.17, within nine months of receipt of such petition.