240.211-3—Recommended procedures: Operations.
Extensive monitoring and recordkeeping should be practiced during the first 12 to 18 months of operation of a new or renovated facility, during periods of high air pollution, and during periods of upset conditions at the facility.
During other periods of more normal operation of the facility, less extensive monitoring and record keeping may be practiced if approved by the responsible agency.
The total weight and volume (truck capacities may be used for volume determination) of solid waste received during each shift, including the number of loads received, the ownership or specific identity of delivery vehicles, the source and nature of the solid wastes accepted.
Furnace and combustion chamber temperatures recorded at least every 60 minutes and as changes are made, including explanations for prolonged, abnormally high and low temperatures.
Overfire and underfire air volumes and pressure and distribution recorded at least every 60 minutes and as changes are made.
Weights of bottom ash, grate siftings, and fly ash, individually or combined, recorded at intervals appropriate to normal facility operation.
Water used on each shift for bottom ash quenching and scrubber operation. Representative samples of process waters should be collected and analyzed as recommended by the responsible agency.
Power produced and utilized each shift. If steam is produced, quality, production totals and consumption rates should be recorded.
Gross calorific value of daily representative samples of bottom ash, grate siftings, and fly ash. (Sampling time should be varied so that all shifts are monitored on a weekly basis.)
Minimum, average, and maximum daily volume and weight of waste received and processed, summarized on a monthly basis.
Number and qualifications of personnel in each job category; total manhours per week; number of State certified or licensed personnel; staffing deficiencies; and serious injuries, their cause and preventive measures instituted.
Adequacy of operation and performance with regard to environmental requirements, the general level of housekeeping and maintenance, testing and reporting proficiency, and recommendations for corrective actions.
A copy of all significant correspondence, reports, inspection reports, and any other communications from enforcement agencies.
Methodology for evaluating the facility's performance should be developed. Evaluation procedures recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency should be used whenever possible (see bibliography).