166.24—Public notice of receipt of application and opportunity for public comment.
(a) Publication requirement.
The Administrator shall issue a notice of receipt in the Federal Register for a specific, quarantine, or public health exemption and request public comment when any one of the following criteria is met:
The application proposes any use of a pesticide if the pesticide has been subject to a suspension notice under section 6(c) of the Act;
Is intended for a use that poses a risk similar to the risk posed by any use of the pesticide which was the subject of the notice under section 6(b) ;
Is intended for a use that could pose a risk similar to the risk posed by any use of the pesticide which is or has been the subject of the Special Review;
Is intended for a use that poses a risk similar to the risk posed by any use of the pesticide which was voluntarily canceled under section 6(f) ;
An emergency exemption has been requested or approved for that use in any 3 previous years, or any 5 previous years if the use is supported by the IR-4 program, and
A complete application for registration of that use and/or a petition for tolerance for residues in or on the commodity has not been submitted to the Agency; or
(b) Contents.
The notice of receipt of an application for an emergency exemption shall contain the following information:
The name of the active ingredient requested for use, including, if available, the common name and the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number;
A summary of the applicant's description of the emergency conditions including the pest and the site or crop to be treated;
If the pesticide proposed for use meets the criteria of paragraph (a) (3), (4), or (5) of this section, an identification of the types of risks that were the basis for EPA's regulatory action; and
The name, telephone number, and address of a person in the Agency who can provide further information.
(c) Length of comment period.
Normally, a notice of receipt shall give the public 15 days in which to file comments on the application. The Administrator may shorten or eliminate the comment period if he determines that the time available for a decision on the application requires it and shall state reasons for such action in a notice in the Federal Register. The Administrator may extend the comment period if additional time for comment is requested and such an extension would not interfere with a timely decision on the application.