161.85—Revision of data requirements and guidelines.

(a) Data requirements will be revised from time to time to keep up with policy changes and technology. Revisions to this part will be made in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq. ). Changes having a significant impact on the registration process, applicants, testers, or other parties, or on the outcome and evaluation of studies, will be made only after public notice and opportunity for comment. Until final rules reflecting a change have been promulgated, the Agency can implement changes in the data requirements on a case-by-case basis.
(b) The Agency invites registration applicants, registrants, and the general public to suggest changes in the data requirements or the Pesticide Assessment Guidelines. Suggestions may be submitted at any time. Those making suggestions are requested to contact, in writing, the Director of the Hazard Evaluation Division. When suggestions consist of new suggested methods, representative test results should accompany the submittals.