158.2171—Experimental use permit microbial pesticides product analysis data requirements table.

(a) General. Sections 158.100 through 158.130 describe how to use this table to determine the product analysis data requirements and the substance to be tested for a particular microbial pesticide. Specific conditions, qualifications, or exceptions to the designated test are identified in (d) of this section, and the test notes appear in paragraph (e) of this section.
(b) Key. R=Required; CR=Conditionally required; NR=Not required; MP=Manufacturing-use product; EP=End-use product; TEP=Typical end-use product; TGAI=Technical grade of the active ingredient; All=All of the above. Specific conditions, qualifications, or exceptions to the designated test procedures appear in paragraph (e) of this section, and apply to the individual tests in the following table:
(c) Table. The following table shows the data requirements for experimental use permit microbial pesticides product analysis. The test notes are shown in paragraph (d) of this section.
Table—EUP Microbial Product Analysis Data Requirements
Guideline Number Data Requirement All Use Patterns Test Substance Test Notes
Product Chemistry and Composition
885.1100 Product Identity R MP EP --
885.1200 Manufacturing process R TGAI and MP TGAI and EP 1, 2
Deposition of a sample in a nationally recognized culture collection R TGAI TGAI --
885.1300 Discussion of formation of unintentional ingredients R TGAI and MP TGAI and EP 2
Code of Federal Regulations 164
Analysis and Certified Limits
885.1400 Analysis of samples R TGAI and MP TGAI and EP 2, 3
885.1500 Certification of limits R MP EP --
Physical and Chemical Characteristics
830.6302 Color R TGAI TGAI --
830.6303 Physical state R TGAI TGAI --
830.6304 Odor R TGAI TGAI --
830.6313 Stability to normal and elevated temperatures, metals and metal ions R TGAI TGAI --
830.6317 Storage stability R TGAI and MP TGAI and EP --
830.6319 Miscibility R MP EP 4
830.6320 Corrosion Characteristics R MP EP 5
830.7000 pH R TGAI TGAI --
830.7100 Viscosity R MP EP 6
830.7300 Density/relative density/bulk density (specific gravity) R TGAI TGAI --
(d) Test notes. The following test notes are applicable to the data requirements for experimental use permit microbial pesticides product analysis as referenced in the last column of the table contained in paragraph (c) of this section.
1. If an experimental use permit is being sought, and if the pesticide is not already under full-scale production, a schematic diagram and/or description of the manufacturing process suffices.
2. If an experimental use permit is being sought, and if the product is not already under full-scale production, a discussion of unintentional ingredients is required to be submitted to the extent this information is available.
3. Required to support registration of each manufacturing-use product and end-use product. This analysis must be conducted at the point in the production process after which there would be no potential for microbial contamination or microbial regrowth. For pesticides in the production stage, a preliminary product analytical method and data would suffice to support an experimental use permit. For full registration, generally an analysis of samples is a compilation of batches, over a period of time, depending on the frequency of manufacturing.
4. Only required for emulsifiable liquid forms of microbial pesticides.
5. Required when microbial pesticides are packaged in metal, plastic, or paper containers.
6. Only required for liquid forms of microbial pesticides.