152.90—The selective method.

An applicant may comply with this subpart by listing the specific data requirements that apply to his product, its active ingredients, and use patterns, and demonstrating his compliance for each data requirement by submitting or citing individual studies, or by demonstrating that no study has previously been submitted to the Agency. This section summarizes the procedures that an applicant must follow if he chooses the selective method of demonstrating compliance. Sections 152.91 through 152.96 contain specific procedures for citing or submitting a study or demonstrating a data gap.
(a) List of data requirements. Each applicant must submit a list of the data requirements that would apply to his pesticide, its active ingredients, and its use patterns, if the product were being proposed for registration under FIFRA section 3(c)(5) for the first time. The applicant need not list data requirements pertaining to any ingredient which qualifies for the formulator's exemption.
(1) If a Registration Standard has been issued for any active ingredient, the applicant must list the applicable data requirements enumerated in that Standard for the active ingredient and, if end use products are covered by the Registration Standard, for such products containing that active ingredient.
(2) If a Registration Standard has not been issued, or if an issued Registration Standard does not cover all data requirements for products containing the active ingredient in question, the applicant must list the applicable requirements as prescribed by 40 CFR part 158 or part 161, as applicable. All required (R) studies, and any studies that could be conditionally required (CR) based upon composition, use pattern, or the results of required studies, are to be listed. The applicant may demonstrate via the data gap procedures in § 152.96 that a conditional requirement need not be satisfied by the submission or citation of data at the time of application.
(b) Methods of demonstrating compliance. The applicant must state for each data requirement on the list required by paragraph (a) of this section which of the following methods of compliance with the requirement he is using, and shall provide the supporting documentation specified in the referenced section.
(1) Existence of or granting of a data waiver. Refer to § 152.91.
(2) Submission of a new valid study. Refer to § 152.92.
(3) Citation of a specific valid study previously submitted to the Agency by the applicant or another person, with any necessary written authorizations or offers to pay. Refer to § 152.93.
(4) Citation of a public literature study. Refer to § 152.94.
(5) Citation of all pertinent studies previously submitted to the Agency, with any necessary written authorizations or offers to pay. Refer to § 152.95.
(6) Documentation of a data gap. Refer to § 152.96.

Code of Federal Regulations

[49 FR 30903, Aug. 1, 1984, as amended at 72 FR 61028, Oct. 26, 2007]