147.3107—Mechanical integrity.
Monitoring of annulus pressure conducted pursuant to § 146.8(b)(1) shall be preceded by an initial pressure test. A positive gauge pressure on the casing/tubing annulus (filled with liquid) shall be maintained continuously. The pressure shall be monitored monthly.
Pressure tests conducted pursuant to § 146.8(b)(2) of this chapter shall be performed with a pressure on the casing/tubing annulus of at least 200 p.s.i. unless otherwise specified by the Director. In addition, pressure tests conducted during well operation shall maintain an injection/annulus pressure differential of at least 100 p.s.i. throughout the tubing length.
Monitoring of enhanced recovery wells conducted pursuant to § 146.8(b)(3), must be preceded by an initial pressure test that was conducted no more than 90 days prior to the commencement of monitoring.