147.1952—Aquifer exemptions.
This section identifies any aquifers or their portions exempted in accordance with §§ 144.7(b) and 146.4 of this chapter at the time of program promulgation. EPA may in the future exempt other aquifers or portions, according to applicable procedures, without codifying such exemptions in this section. An updated list of exemptions will be maintained in the Regional office.
Those portions of the following oil bearing aquifers, which would otherwise meet the definition of a USDW, are exempted in accordance with the provisions of §§ 144.7(b) and 146.4 of this chapter for Class II enhanced recovery injection activities only.
The Sugar Run and Bradford series of oil producing sands of the Bradford Field, in McKean County; including the Bradford, West Branch, Stack, Bennett Brook, Marilla Brook, Brooder Hollow, Cyclone, Minard Run, Minard Run School, and Sugar Run (or Watsonville) Pools.
The Bradford series of oil producing sands of the Windfall Field and Kings Run Pool in McKean County.
The Red Valley member of the Second Sand formation of the Venango Group of oil producing sands in the Foster-Reno Field in Venango County; including the Foster, Bully Hill, Victory, Bredinsburg, Egypt Corners, Reno, Monarch Park and Seneca Pools.
The Glade and Clarendon oil producing sands of the Morrison Run Field and Elk Run Pool in Warren County.
The Bradford Third oil producing sand in the Shinglehouse Field, including the Kings Run, Janders Run and Ceres Pools in Potter and McKean Counties.