121.25—Adoption of new water quality standards.

(a) In any case where:
(1) A license or permit was issued without certification due to the absence of applicable water quality standards; and
(2) Water quality standards applicable to the waters into which the licensed or permitted activity may discharge are subsequently established; and
(3) The Administrator is the certifying agency because:
(i) No State or interstate agency has authority to certify; or
(ii) Such new standards were promulgated by the Administrator pursuant to section 10(c)(2) of the Act; and
(4) The Regional Administrator determines that such uncertified activity is violating water quality standards;

Code of Federal Regulations

Then the Regional Administrator shall notify the licensee or permittee of such violation, including his recommendations as to actions necessary for compliance. If the licensee or permittee fails within 6 months of the date of such notice to take action which in the opinion of the Regional Administrator will result in compliance with applicable water quality standards, the Regional Administrator shall notify the licensing or permitting agency that the licensee or permittee has failed, after reasonable notice, to comply with such standards and that suspension of the applicable license or permit is required by section 21(b)(9)(B) of the Act.
(b) Where a license or permit is suspended pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, and where the licensee or permittee subsequently takes action which in the Regional Administrator's opinion will result in compliance with applicable water quality standards, the Regional Administrator shall then notify the licensing or permitting agency that there is reasonable assurance that the licensed or permitted activity will comply with applicable water quality standards.