955.26—Representation of the parties.

(a) The term appellant means a party that has filed an appeal for resolution by the Board. An individual appellant may appear before the Board in his or her own behalf, a corporation may appear before the Board by an officer thereof, a partnership or joint venture may appear before the Board by a member thereof, or any of these may appear before the Board by an attorney at law duly licensed in any state, commonwealth, territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia. An attorney representing an appellant shall file a written notice of appearance with the Board, including his or her address, telephone number, fax number, and jurisdiction in which the attorney is licensed to practice law.
(b) The term respondent means the U.S. Postal Service. Postal Service counsel, who shall be an attorney at law licensed to practice in a state, commonwealth, or territory of the United States, or in the District of Columbia, designated by the General Counsel, will represent the interest of the Postal Service before the Board. Postal Service counsel shall file a written notice of appearance with the Board, including his or her address, telephone number, fax number, and jurisdiction in which the attorney is licensed to practice law.
(c) References to contractor, appellant, contracting officer, respondent and parties shall include respective counsel for the parties, as soon as appropriate notices of appearance have been filed with the Board. A self-represented party or an attorney representing either party shall inform the Board promptly of any change in his or her address, telephone number, or fax number.